3 minute read
How Can You Help Make Your-Business Good?
By eternal vigilence.
By a
never-eleeping brain.
By arl ever-active notebook. By arking quertionr galore, and asking them intelligently. By a figuring pencil that getr somewhere. By a dirplayed interert in the other fellow that will win his confidence and admiration if properly presented to him. By advertiring, roliciting, dieplaying, discerning, distributing dirposing of your gooda and rervice. You will never do it if you rit in yow yard by tte ride of the road and wait for someone to come and buy sorr€thing. You have got to take your town and dirtrict tmder your busines wing, and nrrse and nurture it. You have got to ertablish younelf as tte building specialist of ttat community whore steruardship is ro usefuI and splendid that people will be dblighted to have you pry into their efiairs becaure fihey will tmderetand that your pryins ic for tteir benefit prirnarily. You can ask anything, ruggert anything, try to sell anything, to the man who knorw that YOUR interest aims at HIS benefit and betterment. The average dealer ought to do ten timer es much EKPLORING FOR BUSINESS ac he doee.
A. H. Powers California Pine Association
A. H. "Al" Powers, for ma-ny ye-ars prominent in the log- EleCtS OffiCefS ging and lumber industry of the Northwest, died at Indio, California, Thursday, Jaiuary 2. Death was caused by an B. W. Lakin, general manager of the McCloud River a,uto accident, combined with a heart attack. Lumber Company, McCloud, w1s elected president of the Mr. Powers was born in Ontario, Canada, November 6, California White & Sugar /Pine Manufaclurers' Associa1862, of American born parents. IIe came to Michigan with tion, at the annual meeting\of the association held at the his parents when he was 19 years old, and soon after be- Palace Hotel, San Franqiscd, Tanuary 9. $an w-o1\ in the logging camps at Aitken, Minn. About the Ward A. Dwight, pr6it'#'t ctt ttre -Big Lakes Box Com19" gf 21, together with $.J. Dwy_er w-ho is now head of pany, Klamath Falls, Ore., was electedi,'ice-president, and the Southeast Portland Lumber 'Co., Portland, Ore., he R. D. Baker, president of the Lassen Lumbei &, Box Comeggaged in logging operations in Minnesota for many pany, Susanville, was re-€lected treasurer. )r,ears. _Lgter, he became a member of the Powers-Simpson ,Bernard F. Scott, is acting secretary-manager of the asCo. at Hibbing, Minn., engaging in logging. He came to $ciation.. Oregon with ihe late C. A.3m"ith atrE"ftJr.t tgOT to tgZZ /,{ was head of the Smith-Porvers -LogginC_ Cq. 9f _C9op // -------
jVBlackman & Arrd erson Move
To New'Location
the company' About two years ago he organized the clarence Blackman and Fred Anderson are continuing in Powers-Davis Logging co' with operations near Powers, business in oakland, under the name of Blackman & An- Ore. After his retirement from active management of the S-lttr-pr*.i.-I-oggi"g Co., he turned over the active work derson' Their -yard is now located at 1222 42nd Avenue, to his son, Fred w.powers an9^ the telephone number remains as before,'ANdover
Mr. Powers took an active part in civic affairs at Marsh- 0'160' field, Ore., where he was a member of the school boar.d for many-years ard was a member of the Port o_f C_.oos_B1.y ALBION LUMBER COMPANY MOVES commission. Funeral services were held at Indio, Cali- . o fornia, on January 4. Mr. Powers is survived by his widow c' F' Flinn' general manager of the Albion Lumber comand the following children: Fred Powers, Marshfield, ore., pany' announces that the general manager's office of this Mrs. cletus Bodell, San Francisco; Mrs. J. Arthur Berg, company is now located in room 981 Southern Pacific -.qrirt.; erl.'tiFo*.ts, Jr., powers, ore.; Miss Margaret Building' 65 Market Street' San Francisco' Powers and Mrs. Robert T. Dixon. Marshfield. Ore. A brother, Charles F. Powers of Marshfield, also survives.
Wendell Brown Spends Holidays In San Francisco
Wendell Brown, Los Angeles, Southern California representative of the J. R. Hanify Co. spent the holidays in San Francisco with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Brown. While in the Bay District he was a call,er at the company's San Francisco office where he conferred with John Reed and Walter Ball.
Herman Herwig Visits Bay District
Herman Herwig, of the Watsonville Lumber Co., Watsonville, accompanied by Mrs. Herwig, spe.nt a few days in San Francisco during the holidays.
It is announced that cutting at the new plant of the Edward Hines Western Pine Co. at Burns, Ore., will start January 20.