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WESTERN HARDwooD Building-Loan

Conference To Hold Ninth Annual Meeting

Frank M. Wise

The ninth annual meeting of the Savings, Building-Loan Conference of the Pacific will be held at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, February 10 and 11, 1930. The conference in'cludei the states Arizona, California, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Washington and Wyoming, and the Territory of Hawaii. Building and Loan executives from all the states represented in the conference will be in attendance and problems common to all building and loan associations will be discussed. The annual banquet will be held on the evening of February 11.

Frank M. Wise, secretary of the United States Building and Loan Association of Los Angeles, is secretary of the conference. He is making the arrangements for the Los Angeles meeting. Mr. Wise is well known to the lumber trade of Southern California, and prior to his becoming associated with the building and loan movement, was sales manager for the Patten & Davies Lumber Co. of Los Angeles with which concern he was connected for sixteen years.

Sisalkraft Co. Hold Annual Sales Convention

The Sisalkraft Co. Chicago, manufacturers of reenforced building paper held the annual sales convention in Chicago December -28 and 30. The field organization which was brought f{for this meeting included more than 40 men covering ttyf entire country. An excellent gain in dealer distributifr was reported for the past year and larger plans were lfid for still further extending the sale of the product durinf the coming year.

rced Lumber Co. Appoints Farm Field Man

E. F. Johnson, formerly manager of the Merced Lumber Company's yard at Ballico, has been appointed farm field man for the company's eight retail yards in a new service which they have inaugurated for their patrons.

Mr. Johnson is well equipped for the new position, as he has had actual farming experience, and is a carpenter as well as a retail lumberman.

M. F. Faria has succeeded E. F. Johnson as manager of the Ballico yard.


R. F. Wells, prominent retail lumberman, formerly of the West Turlock Lumber & Mill Co., Turlock, has moved with his family to Berkeley, where his two daughters are attending the University of California.

L. H, EILL ?r.tia.tt erl G.n.r.l Marat , tAcEoL r{otots COMPAN' ry',ryitr**

The Fageol Principle "Vc will ncver bulld to c rtqndord lor.. lhon th3 hlrt.rt.Vhcn wc ccn but b3tt.. Dqrtt thcr ra cqr nqhe, wrrlll buythco. Vhcn ve con hqla S.ttet gcnr thon ra con buy, ra rill nol. than. Utllltint tuDarl or ?ntlnaarint lldrn.nLre rill,rod{c. rie b.rr 3qutrn.nr o, r. rlll Droa*. flli8iii

(C ((D : (DIR, ITD II N^4.1I I ((D N AGEO




SEATTLE 7t7 DqxtcrAvcnuc

BELLINGHAI^ r4rTStqteStreat

SAN FRANCIICO 160Tw€lfth Str.et

LOS ANOELES zzo Eort Ninth Street

SAN DIEGO l2oo /rlorl€t Street

PORTLAND 267 Pocific Stroet

OAKLAND . t6+o EostTvelfth Sh€et

TACOi^A 5o3 PuyollupAvenue

SPOKANE tt26 Second Street

YAKliltA tt6 South Second Street


VANCOUVER, B. C., Foseol/vloton Soler Conodo, Ltd., zzot Fourth Avenue, Wert

'VICTORIA, B. C., L. H, Compbell, czr Whorf Strect

,HONOLULU, T. H., Chertcr R. Clothc, 62o-622 B€ratonio Strcat


IIN ^A,. MI ((D 1I ((D IR, !ilIR.IU (C IK

CO-ORDI NATION is thot intonsible something which rftAKES or BREAKS q motor truck.

The well co-ordinoted truch il o heolthy truck...con stond the stroinl...is geored up for long life. Friction is lellenedrvibrotion minimiTed, ond more motor power is tronsmitted to the reor oxle.

finger could move them mercilett impoctt mutt be obtorbed os eotily os o hond stops o cought boll. One pott mutt be "tuned" to the slightest movement of onother so thot every stroke of the mossive motor moves in o symphony of power.

Tronlmillions mutt tronrmit moximum powet with minimumstroinon driving portsond poyloods must be houled with o wide motgin on the profit side.

The use of better ports is not oll in building o ': finer motortruck,soys L.H.Bill.There must ASf A FAGEOL DEALER to let you be ofinelle in putting them together...o turene$, o precition, q super-knowledge of eoch port's fitness, one to the other.

Beorings must crodle so lightly thot boby drive o Fogeol. Put it out on the rood, up o grode, or under o he-mon lood you will quickly "feel" thot thing which is built into oll Foseols. CO-ORDINAT ION.

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