2 minute read
Los Angeles Has Attractive Architects' Building Material Exhibit
Home builders who are desirous of seeing the latest ideas in home construction should visit the Architects' Building Material Exhibit, which occupies the ground floor, foyer and mezzanine floor in the new Architects' Building, Fifth and Figueroa Streets, Los Angeles. It is one of the most complete exhibits ,rn the Pacific Coast and includes every improvement in efficiency, economy and comfort for homes and buildings.
The lumber exhibits are found in the foyer and on the mezzanine floor and include the displavs of the Hammond Lumber Company, Red River Lum6.. Company, Cadwallader-Gibson Company, Inc., Hardwood Dealers, Built- In Fixture Co. and California Redwood Association.
Stanton _& Son, 'Western Hardwood Lumber Co., W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., C. W. Bohnhoff, and the California Panel & Veneer Co., shows the beautiful effects which mav be gained through the use of domestic and imported hard- woods for panels, interior trim and doors. The floor of the exhibit_,.part of which is laid in plank flooring, shows the adaptability and beauty of oak foir flooring puiposes. Sam_ ples of many sp_ecies of domestic and imp"oried'hardwtods in attractive colors are also on displav..
The Hammond Lumber Company's exhibit is of Mavan architecture, the frame construction is entirely of redwood. with sand,blasted interior depicting the natural beauty oi this wood. The exhibit includes ,rver twenty varieties of imported and domestic hardwoods. Six alcov-es. with sides of plain oak and bases laid in artistic patterns of Black Walnut and various other woods, show how ctlor combinations may be secured through the use of hardwoods. Six species of domestic and imported hardwoods are exhibited in the case w,rrk of the alioves, each finished in harmonious tones. Doors, in twenty varieties of soft woods, are displayed ,in attractive manner, showing the adaptation of these woods to near,ly every form rf architecture. fhe fl-ooring,-laid in basket-weave parquetry, is quartered oak. The exhibit also includes an eicellent issortment of builders'hardware.
The Hardwood Dealers' exhibit, which includes E. J.
One of the features of the Hardwbod Dealers' exhibit is the cabinet furnished by the Maple Flooring Manufactur_ ers' Association showing how miple floors can be beauti- on Page 24)
Picture to yourself a huge staining 13n[full of heated oils heavy with color pigment, evenly mixed by beaters. Into this bath go selected cedar, straight-grained shingles. The tank is closed. The lid clamped down, and the staining under pressure begins.
Powerful compressed air forces the preservative stain and color pigment into the straight-grained cedar-not a bit of surface escapes. Whenthe Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles are removed they contain 35% t" 40% more pigment-because of pressure staining. Then each shingle is inspected separately and packed.
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2O2l S. Alameda Street
Los Angeles, California (Southern Representative)
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San Diego, California