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"This Dnsdend Cufs that Much From Your Insurance Cost"
With our intimate knowledge of the neede of the lumber induetry, our firgt congideration hae alwaye bcen to provide the highest quality of inaurance protection.
Second to t{re quality of protection provided, but right along with it has always been the degire to protect the industry againet unneceaEary insurance cost.
C-oet depende upon operating experlses and lossee. With that Mutual interest, careful management and 6re prevention have kcpt cost down to 62/o dt premium income.
Other income, added to the uving of 38/o, hae made poeeible a dividend of over 40/o. Thug thc reeult is maximum protection at minimum coet.
Any of our companizs zrtill be glail to erplain fully to anxt lumberman zohy Lumber Mutual Insurance offers the greatest insurance ztalue be can buy.