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Architects' Building Material Exhibit
(Continued from Page 20) samples of maple flooring are shown in silver gray, autumn brown, or'chid, seal black, royal blue, Spanish brown, natural finish, dove gray, etc. These stains, the formula of the Marietta Paint & Color Co.. Marietta. Ohio. have been fit the house plans, requiring no trimming or waste, and they are a complete wall covering in one unit.
The exhibit of the Bui,lt-In-Fixture Co. displays the latest models in Peerless built-in furniture, showing all the modern improvements in a model kitchen. Many interesting photcgraphs, showing the interior of kitchens both before and after modernization, includes part of the exhibit.
The California Redwood Association exhibit is an attractive Redwood house designed liy Ernest Irving Fneese. The sidewalls and rorf are of Redwood shingles, while the interior is artistically finished in Redwood which brings out the beauty ,of this wood. The exhibit also includes a display of Redwood doors, b:th in the natural finish and 1n ,colors.
Miss M. L. Schmidt, to whom the success of the Architects' Building Material Exhibit isattributed, has adopted by the Maple Flooring Manufacturers' {ssociation. The Cadwallader-Gibson Company, Inc., exhibit, which shows an interesting display of doors and floors, includes numerous models of Bagac doors which have recently been introduced by the company. These doors are all l/a inches thick and of the most improved hardwood construction, using stiles, rails, etc., of built-up softwood cores with fly panels, all faced veneered with Bagac. An interesting touch is the use of rotary v,eneers on the panels of the doors, giving attractive and varied grain textures. The dimensions, proportions and contours of moulding, etc., show the results of careful architectural designing, while the number of widely different finishes used, show the versatility of Bagac.
The Red River Lumber Company display demonstrates the beauty and adaptability of California Pine panels, also showing the various colors, shades and color combinations obtainable by the colored sandblast process developed at the company's plant at Westwood, California, and marketed under the trade name "Red River Panel." By this unique process, for which patents are pending, the color application is combined with the sandb,last erosion which cuts away the soft wood, leaving the hard wocd in relief. The "Red River Panel" is finished at the factory, requiring no finishing or painting on the job; they are furnished in an unlimited range of colors, shades and combinations, and can be supplied up te 5x10 feet with one piece faces; they are cut to
Cali.f ornia Redzaood Asso ciation Erhibit been in charge of the exhibit since its beginning fourteen years ag'). The exhibit was first started in the Metropolitan Building, but on the completion of the new Architects' Building two years ago, was moved to its present location. By the presentation of the. many lumber and building material displays, Miss Schmidt has made the exhibit interesting and instructive to home owners and prospective builders.