1 minute read
$ew Market its to Pioneer Dealers CLAD VALLEY of sloping roof
ERE'S A NEW PRODUCT that will take lumber dealers into markets they have never been able to sell . . . . on€ of the most promising items ever offered to roofing dealers and this is for Pioneer dealers only!
PIONEER COPPERCLAD VALLEY STRIPS will sell on every sloping roof . because every sloping roof needs valley scips and because PIONEER COPPERCLAD VALLEY STRIPS cost less than other metal valleys! And copper never.deteriorates!
Last year more than 181000,000 feet of metal valleys were sold and none of this profitable business went to lumber dealers. This year the volume will be still greater and dealers who stock PIONEER COPPERCLAD VALLEY STRIPS will have a market in every roof of tile, slate, wood shingles, asbestos or comPosition shingles!
ft is the logical product to sell with roofing . . . . it can be applied by any roofer. It is fexible, fits snugly and nails down just like any roofing. Packed in rolls containing 50 ft. lengths, 2l% inches wide with 9 inches of copper exposed.
For samples, prices and complete details get in touch with the nearest Pioneer Branch Office . . and remember, Pioneer Copperclad Valley Scips are Patented and distributed on the Pacific Coast by Pioneer Paper Company exclusively.