1 minute read
A New Carrier added to the Gerlinger line
Model RPN (Rack and Pinion-Narrow)
Wheels in Line
Now a Gerlinger carrier with a narrow wheel same carefully selected and tested materials as its spread. Model RPN has a lO/2 inch narrower associate models. The new model RPN Gerlinger wheel spread than its brother models HSF and carrier will meet all the requirements of the manuRPF yet carries the same large load. Model RPN facturers of lumber who are compelled to utilize is built in the same sturdy manner and from the every foot of their dock space.
Model RPN and all Gettinger models are built with channel and angle congtnrction. Every cection is drilled, reamed and hot riveted. AII gearc are fabricated from High Speed Chrome Vanadium heat treated steel. Poweted with the Continental S-5 Industrial Red Seat motor with four apeeds bot'h fotward and reverge, capable of a speed of 3O M.PII. and handling ac easily ac a pleacure car the Gerlinger is equal to any taelc.
Send For Details
Let us tell you how economically other lumbennen are fnding Gerlingerc. Let us tell you why Gerlingers are so free from repair expense. Let us give you the complete specif,cationr of this new and additional model RPN. Write to our nearest representative or direct to ue.