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Millwork Directors Meet At Fresno

V/ The board of directors of the Millwork Institute of Cali- Trefi, So. Calif. Hardwood & Mfg. Co., Los Angeles; C. G. Y fornia met in special session at the Hotel Californian, Chipchase, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento; J. Fresno, Saturday, December 21, Ior.the purpose of dispos- W. Shrimp, Cresmer Manufacturing Co., Riverside. ing of uncompleted administrative matters and developing Board Meetings-A. W. Bernhauer, Chairman, Fresno a program for a closer tie-in between the central office, the Planing Mill Co., Fresno; H. Cbor-Pender, Frank Graves directorate and the membership generally.

Sash, Door & Mill Co., Los Angeles; C. W. Lannom, The meeting convened at 10:00 A. M. and adjourned at Lannom Bros. Mfg. Co., Oaklan{; E. J, Nutting, Herring

3:00 P. M. The attendance was as follows: R. R. Smith; & Nutting, San Francisco; A. J. Todhunter, Hammond Fortuna; A. W. Bernhauer, Fresno; E. A. Nicholson, Los Lumber Company, Los Angeles. Angeles; A. J. Todhunter, Los Angeles; D. N. Edwards, , Glass Sizes-Ray Garner, Chairman, Hammond Lumber Oaliland; C. W. Lannom, Oakland; R. R. Leishman, Pitts- Company, Los Angeles; Chas. E. Senften, Pacific Door & burg; J. W. Shrimp, Riverside; C. G. Chipchase, Sacra- Sash Co., Los Angeles; !Ym..Hayward, Pacific Manufacmento I E. J. Nutting, San Francisco; H. C. Weyler, Santa trrring Co., Santa Clara; V. A. Boell, The California Door Barbara; J. G. fennedy, Santa Clara; H. T, Didesch and Co---O4land.L. G. Sterett, Los Angeles.

The Trade Promotion committee will maintain complete

The dire,ctors decidid, by unanimous vote, to appoint supervision of the Trade Promotion Program and all qajor five standing committees, assigned to the following^activ- expenditures. involved_ therein, except Mr. Sterett's salary. ities: (1) T-rade Promotion, Standards and Certif;cation, This co.mmitte: will als_o have glner4 supervision of major (2) Miilwork Schedules, (3i Membership, Dues and Sub- exp.enditures for the Certification Program and lat-er on i"iiptionr, (4) Board M."ii,ig., (5) Legiliative Matters. y!!l probably appoint^a sta.Tding^sub-committeeto devote A

.f\ SDeCral '\rlass Jlzes COmmlttee lMaS aDDOrnteC alSO IO full attention to the Accredited Standards, that is, recom- mencatlons ror tnetr revlston, expansron, anc tne ltKe. work with the central ofiice in accumulating_the necessary ---;;-- :-- - ; ' lf TI::T*I:: j:'^.::l:l,,jlg^.,?^jns",93::^Ylllt^t,T:1"'. *tifT:1T#;:i"lf;i"#**'f.ff'1""::T"I#


1,"^?l'^11'll:^:'J::^'1:-",::::'"'^o'.:?:'i::l'?"T:'Ifjl:."-'li,l millwork othei than those provided for in "standard Sash oI stocK srzes mofe sultaDle to tnelr use tnan lnose now & Door Schedules No. 12g. ^ listed as "stock" by the Glass Manufacturers and by that *fil^ri.-U-.?ri"fp'iorriiii,t". will have charge of the reason subject to an additional 5 per cent discount.

The personnel of the committes, with the exception of :*t"o1t:r"j.,1::tltlrl:t:,::1,.Tli1:.jl":::i:::"P:':'J- the Legislative Committee which will be named laier, fol- ffi;1",fi#'*'l'i:lJlrt'jl:r*"'i'o'$?1il bl"'J":ij;:nf#; lows: ."--i?""tit"*ir" is to assist the central office organiza- Trade Promotion, Standards & Certification-A. W. tion in the mattei oi .*p""ai"f tfr" ,".*f"irfrip i"a it.

Bernhauer, Chairman, Fresno Planing lVlill Co., Fresno i members personally will iet lur-y ,ounaing up piospective H. Coor-Pender, Vice-Chairman, Frank Graves Sash, Door members.' & Mill Co., Los _Angeles; ^C.- W. _Lalnom; Vice-Chairman, The committee on Board Meetings is to decide when Lannom Bros. Mfg. Co., Oakland; J.__G. Se_11ed-y, Pacific and where special meetings of the B?ard are to occur and Manufaclur-ilg qo., San Francisco; H. C. Weyler, Boyd will functiori somewhat a"s an executive or sub-committee Lumber & Mill Co., Santa Barbara. of the Board. The personrrCt of this committee is comMillwork Sche_dules-A. _J. Todhunter, Chairman, Ham- posed of the chairman of each of the other standing commond Lumber Compan_y, L9s Angeles; E. 4: Nicholson, mittees, which plan automatically ties in all functions and Pacific Door & Sash Co., Los Angeles; C. E. Morrison, activities. Pacific Manufac'uring Co.,_Los Angeles. The directors believe that these committees should help ^_Membershlp, Due_s _$ Subscriptions-E. J. Nqttlng, very materially to advance the polieies and program of the Chairman, Herring & Nutting, San Francisco; D. N: Ed- Institute and to keep the membership constanily info,rmed wards, The Oakland Planing Mill, Inc., Oakland; H. C. as to the progress of every effort undertaken.

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