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Grading Service Will Be Limited To No. 9 Rules After March 1
Inspection and reinspection by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association is to be done only on Grading Rules No. 9 after March 1, by action of the Grading Rules Committee' ata meeting in Portland, Oregon, December 20. The Committee based its decision on the fact that the Number 9 rules had been in effect since July I, 1929, and that all concerned had been notified, by circulars, distribution of eradins rules and otherwise sufficiently to permit proper idjustirent of purchases and stocks to the new rules. The full text of the Committee's action follows:
"Effective March 1, 1930, the West Coast Lumbermen's Association will inspect at mills and reinspect at Point-of unloading only on Standard Grading and Dressing Rules No. 9, daled July l, 1929. This ruling is to be interpreted to permit inspeclion and reinspection-without change on all lumber bought prior to March 1, 1930. Lumber sold under
Lumberman Spends Holidays With Mother
Company at Crannell, visited his mother in Alameda over the Christmas holidaYs.
the No. 9 rules, as to grade, but of sizes other than those specified therein, will be inspected and reinspected as coming under special contract.
"stocks as of grades in the previous editions of West Coast Lumbermen's Association grading rules will not be inspected or reinspected by the Association's Grading Department after March 1, 1930."
In further explanation the Committee stated that retailers, wholesalers, railroads and car building companies, and other interested groups-including producers and consumers-who assisted in formulating the No. 9 Grading Rules have again ,cooperated in accepting the new rules as meeting all of their requirements so the committee felt that a definite date for closing inspections and reinspections by the Association should be set. March 1, 1930, the committee believes, is ample advance notification to all buyers and users of West Coast products.
Eagle Lumber Company Moves Office
The Los Angeles office of the Eagle Lumber Company which was formerly located at 629 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., is now in room 234 of. the same building. The phone number, WEstmore 8970, was not changed.