1 minute read

tnrrilurlt Inrsestment

The Truscon unit method of assembly provides a wide range of combinations, sufficient to fill almost any size opening, from a comparative- ly few types and sizes of Truscon Standard Steel Casements, Dealers are enabled to meet practically all :requirements with a minimum investment in stocks, insuring rapid and more profitable turnover.

Immediate shipments from our Los Angeles manufacturing plant. Write for Bulletin No.. 25-700 and dealer proposruon.


_ 5,160 East Slauaon Ave., P: O. Box 1206, Arede Staiion, Lor Angelcr, Califomia Dfutrict Offi@s: San Franclrco - Portlud - Seattle not more than a thousand or fifteen hundred dollars, and told the insured that fact, and that under the circumstances he couldn't possibly loan him ten thousand dollars on that policy.

"Well," replied the desperate one, "it's your choice."

"V/hat do you mean, it's my choice?" asked the insurance man.

"It's your choice, and you can take it now," replied the would-be borrower. "YOU LEND ME TEN THOUSAND TODAY OR PAY MY FAMILY FIFTY THOUSAND TOMORROW."


H. A. Libbey, assistant to the president of The Little River Redwood Company, Crannell, was in San Francisco on a short business trip for a few days 4t the first of the year.

Wholcsalcrs of Douglas Fir Redwood

California White & Sugar Pine

If you have never had

Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worked uppers.

Main Office: A. L Hoover, Agt San Francisco Los Angeles

I l0 Market St. $tandard Oil Bldg.

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