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JackDionne ,pult*hu

Inccpcated uder the laws of Callfornh J. C. Dionne, Pree. and Tru.; J. E. Mstin, Vie-Pres'; A. C. Menym' Jr.' Sey. Publiched the lst ed lSth of each mth at tft-10-20 Central Building, lot W$t Sinh Stret, Lc Angelc, Cal., Telephone, VAndike l5C5 ' Entered u Secod-cls3 mtter Septen$er B, lrz2, at the Pctofrle at Lc Angelea, Califmia, undcr Act d March 3, lf/9.

How Lumber Looks

Douglas Fir-A total of 3O3 millr reporting to the Weet Coart Lumberrn€n's Acsociation for the week ended Janua4l 3 operated at 22.60 per cent of capacity, as compared lo 45 29 per cent of capacity for the same week lart year and an average of 65 per cent during the first five months of last year. During the preceding week tfiere millr operated at 2l.OZ per cent of capacity, which repreeented the lowert volurne of production for any week during 1930. The cxtremely. low production during the past two weelrr is accounted for in part by the holiday shutdowna, but operating plan announcements made individuatly by a Large nurnber of Wert Coast operators recently indicate to the Asociation that production will continue at a low per cent of capacity during the imrnediate future. In the 32-week period rince the week ended Nlay 24, 1930, a total of 352 mills have operated at 44.95 per cent of capacity, and have reduced their collective prod'uction by more than one and one-half billion feet.

MilI inventorier have been reduced 7.81 per cent during the pelt 32 weeks. Continued reduction of production ir anticipated by fhe Asrociation and further decreases in inventorier are expected. Stocks are badly broken with popular yard items increaringly dfficult to obtain"

Production, orders and shipments at 228 mills for the week ended January 3, were reported to tte Association rs followr: Production 6019951344 feet, shiprnents 90'005'247 leet, Ordcrs 78,815,26O feet. Orders were 29.22 per cent over prodfdtion, and shipmentr 47.56 per cent over the output.

Detailr of orders and shipmentr as reported bv thece 228 millr follow: Orders-Rail 26,1 12,746 teeti Dorneetic Cergo 29,596,36O feet; Export 13,911,409 feet; Loca! 9'194,745 feet. Shipmentr-Rail23'748,9(X) feet; Domertic Cargo 42,966,348 feet; Export 14,095,254 feet; Local 9,194'745 feet.

The California market showc very little change, but there ir a feeling in some quarterr "that we atre over the hump" and that the market rhould rhow improvement from now on. The retail demend continuer about the sarne, but in the Lor Angelec territory, sorne of the dealerr report a better demand for indurtrial itemr. Wholesalers report that the ritrurtion it the millr, due to the heavy production curtail- ment, is strong and the milh are getting better prices than a month ago.. On mill rhipmentr, mostly on' Com,mom, wholccalera state that they are getting an increare in price of from SOc to $1.0O.

Unsold rtockr on the public dockr at San Pedro totaled 12,OI9,OOO feet on January 7. The number of lumber verrels in the California rervice f,ard*un has increased to 65.

The California Redwocid Association for the week ended January 3 reported production ftom 1O rnillc as 1r857rO0O feet, shipmentr 3,696,000 feet, and orderr 2,869,(X)O feet. For the week ended January 3, tte California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Asgociation reported produc{ion frorn 24 mills ar 4r(MO'OOO feet, shipments 8r326r(X)O feet' and orderr 7,719,OOO feet. With the opening of the New Year the Redwood and Pine mills report a better tone to the market. Pricer continue firm. +

The lumber movement during New Year'a weeh followed closely that of the preceding holiday week, being marked by exceptionally low production even conrid'ering the cuttomary searonal decline, it is indicated in reportr from 841 leading hardwood and softrvood mins to the National Lumber Manufactrtrers Association. Production of there mills for the week ended January 3 amounted to 132,828'OOO feet. Ordenr were 19 per cent above and shipmentr 35 per cent above this figure.

The current relationrhip of shipmentr and ordere to production for the 52 weeks of 193O ended Decemb€r 27, at reported by the regional ascociations to the National Lrmrber Manufacturers Association, follows:

Weat Coart Lumbermen's Association-p1s{ustion 7rllg,M7 M feet; Shipments 6,979,906 M feet; Orden 6'998,171 feet.

California White and Suger Pine Manufacturerr Ascosiglien-ppoduction 920,248 M feet; Shipmentr 982rE84 M feet; Orderr 960'084 M feet.

California Redwood Association-Production 337'631 M feet; Shipme'nts 3O6,747 M feet; Ordere 306'575 M feet.

Southern Pine A$ociationProduction 2r7l2r27$ M feet; Shipmentr 2,565,528 M feet; Orderr 2,528,202 M fect.

Total Hardsqo{s-ploduction 1,859,298 M feet; Shipmentr 11654,913 M feet; Orders 1'560,636 M feet.

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