1 minute read
"A Mile of Lumber"
,, .Co,oyy..of l}l.,truc.ks contoining over ffi,Off .board fe-et _o-f lumber_ ltossing ouer Cahuenga Pass enroute to the [Jniuersal picture Studios, uniz'ersal City, L-olifornia. !h9 lym\r.was furnished by.the Hgmyond Lumbir Compony, Liunsberry & Hrrris, and E. K. Wooa Li*iti Ci., ol Lo.s Angeles. .Each truck load of lumbet carried a_sign zuhich was a quotation by eod Laem.mli, President'of the (Jniaersal Picture Cor- poration. --The sigtts read: "Unioersol is Practicing. Proiperity by B-uying_Nour'; "build;ng i eriiperiit- Nti'iiir-1s, Uniaersof'; ',Buy Noza f or Uniztersol Proslterity in 1931"; "practice .What.yo'u, fiegcir, Build"proslteritt Noi..' Wt itn i;;rii thioigi lt n ;orrr;, of Los Znset/s d Hollyzvood, the caratan u,as a