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Reasons Why This is the Time Census Report Shows Relative to Build and Repair

Eugene, Oregon, Dec. 30.-An advertisement that appeared here in a recent Sunday edition of the RegisterGuard is being widely ,circulated by the Twin Oaks Lumber Company. This advertisement, calling attention to four good reasons why this is the time to build or repair, especially urges that prospective builders take advantage of the services of locally well known skilled mechanics whose time is now available in most communities.

The four reasons this company cites for letting contracts now apply nationally. They read: l. I-abor is abundant. Dependable men are to be had.

2. Our banks have large resources available to those who are entitled to credit.

3. Lumber, the most widely used building material, costs less today than in many, many years.

4, Other building materials are low-priced, plentiful and of. excellent quality.

Alistof the many desirable jobs that idle mechanics in town and country can be called upon to do is given by the Twin Oaks Company. It includes: build rooms in attic, enamel kitchen, make a fruit closet, kalsomining, finish or re-lay old floors, build cedar closets and chests,- concrete cellars, build garage, lay concrete walks, build vegetable room, enamel the bath-room, install fireplace, lay new shingle roof or repair old, repair culver'ts, build new feed racks, re-floor bridges, putin breakfast nook, build barns and stock buildings. build machine shed, enamel the furniture, install new closets, waterproof cellar walls, insulate the house, put up milk house, lay a concrete driveway, paint or stain shingles or house siding, build garden fence, glassin porches or poultry house, put cedar shakes or new siding on side walls, put on weatherstrips, do inside painting. install work bench in basement, and repair roof gutters.

These are some of the suggestions made in this company's advertisement. Many others will occur to home owners who have their own household problems to think of. The advertisement poin,ts out, that those who have such matters to attend to could pick no more economical time than the present, and that they are assured, in addition, of being able ,to get the services of experienced ancl competent mechanics who will do a job that will be sure to please them. They will also help their neighl>ors and their communities to get back to better times.

E. B. McClure Appointed

Pacitic Coast Manager

The Truscon Steel Company, Los Angeles, announces that E. B. McClure has been appointed General Manager of the Truscon Steel Company interests on the Pacific Coast. Mr. McClure took over his new duties on Tanuarv l

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