2 minute read
That Neetr Your Nost
Exacdng Denan&
You can dcpend on FLYI-OCK for cvcry ulc to whicL fir and .prucc plywood ie adapted...Theiahercnt quality of itr lumbcr ir uneurpaercd, and thc carc uacd in manufacturing ir in lsccpins.
Redwood Easy to Paint
The December issue of "The Dutch Bov Painter and -The Carter Times," published by the National Lead Com- pany, New York, contained an article on the painting of Redwood. This publication runs a Question and Answer column, and in answer to the question, "Does the painting of Redwood siding require a special formula?", the editor replied as follows: '
"Answer-You often hear that Redwood and red cedar siding are hard to paint. As a matter of fact, both of these woods are among the easiest to paint. Moreover, paint usually wears much longer on them than on the pines and other woods containing wide bands of hard summer wood. For best results, three coats of white-lead paint should be used, follo,wing the regular formulas.
"The idea that Redwood and red cedar are hard to paint is probably due to the dark brown stains, much like tobacco juice, that sometimes appear on the finish. These stains are caused by water-soluble material which comes out of the wood. As these are readily washed off, very little harm is done except that the job looks bad for a while. When Redwood and red cedar are allowed to weather for a short time before priming, the brown spots are not so likely to form. Care should be taken that the wood is drv when the priming coat is applied. It is also desirable to wait long€r than usual before putting on the body coat."
Exchange Sawmills to Handle Caddo Sales
The sale of the Caddo River Lumber Company, producers of Arkansas Soft Pine, is now being handled through the Exchange Sawmills Sales Company, Kansas City, Missouri, and the Caddo Company will in the future confine its operations to the production and milling of lumber.
"Red" Wood Scys.'
rtThis is a brand new year with prospetity close at hand-leds qo to wo,rk and cash in on this opportunity with well balanced stocks of Redwood.tt
The Exchange Sawmills Sales Company already sell for four other lumber mills which produce approximately 20f.,000,000 feet of pine lumber annually. The Caddo River Company will add three more mills and bring the total production to 300,000,000 feet of pine lumber.
The, Caddo River Lumber Company, manufactures Arkansas Soft Pine at Rosboro, Glenwood and Forester, Arkansas.
Other Exchange mills are located at Fisher, Clarks, Standard and Slagle, Louisiana and at Pineridge, Oregon. It is expected that this consolidation will bring about economies that will better serve both the manufacturer and the retail lumber trade.
1931 Outlook
(Continued from Page 14) condition of world trade, if 1931 in this department rvill improve over 1930.
The Russian authorities have recently signed up with English timber factors for the delivery of 1,188,000,000 board feet of lumber in 1931. and a second contract has been made covering the entire production, or 600,00O units of Soviet doors in 1931, to be delivered to England. Great Britain, heretofore, next to the United States. has been the world's best buyer of Douglas fir doors. Our industry expects to meet competition from Russian lumber throughout the world, and if we except the larger sizes and special uses where our woods are preferred for their exceptional characteristics, this competition may decrease our former 'exports into the world markets.