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Employees Receiae Share ol 193O Profits

Follorving its policy ot sharini the 1'ear's earningS with its em- ployees, The pioneer paper Company made its annual rlistribution to more than 300 employees, ac. cording to an announcement made today b)' ittr J H. plunkett, Cen- eral I\tanager of the Company

I\{arking the third annual distribution under the employee partici- pation plan inaugurated in 1928. individual enrployees share on the basis of length of service and position with the company

"Although business conditions during the past year have been looket! upon by ntany as being un. favorable. the Pioneer Paper Company has ntade a noteworthy record of sales comparing very favorably with the year 1929," stated Mr Plunkett- "This progress has been due. in a large measure, to dreater economies in manufacture and to increased service rendered our customers, together with a splendid spirit of co.operation and' interest on the partof our employees.,, Merchandising plans and policies, particularly in the sale of asphalt shingle roofing onthe time pay- ment plan, have also played an important role in the building of a successful year during 1930, accord- ing to Mr. Plunkett

Several major improvements in its sixteen acre plant have been rnade within the last year, includ- ing the erection of a new manu- facturing unitfor the production of emulsified asphalt. enlargement of the asphalt refinery, and the addition of a complete new wtng to the administration building to ac- commodate severa.l new depart_ ments necessitated by the growth of the organization.

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