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Pcr 6ourpiluq
Ploleer Paper Cmp€my to ertem.tl their best Dealers for the greatest tbe cGhg year.
r Dartagened ls otte t bd,rgs success to our se also koor that nltbout of those rbo purchase rlqrlal rtot be a cd[-
1- it ls entlrely flttiog wlshes'a blt firltber
EilPLC'TEES CF PIO'IEER PIPER CCMPIN]T (Slatratures o! all aaployees ettacheil)
!b. J. E. Plunkett, Genera.l l{aDagar, Pioneer Paper Conpany, Ios .lnge).es, Ca]-1fornla.
Dear llr. Plurkett:
Every eryloyee of tbe Ploneer Paper Cmpauy most slncelely appleclates tb€ geueroua iProflt sholilrg" chocks rhlcb have Just beeD recelveil.
Tbls uessags ls otrt e4)r€ssto! of thanks to you, ss replesertlng tbG ltalagoeat, for the ffur€ ccnslderatloa that bas ahraya beetr glyea to Ploneer eryloyeeso
Slnceraly yours,
EUSIrTEES Of PIONEER PJPER CCMPAIY (Slgaatures of all eEployees attacheil)