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Pioneer Paper Co. Employees Participate in Year's Profits

At the close of a highly successful year, the Pioneer Paper Company recently followed its annual plan of dividing the year's profits among its employees by distributing "dividend" checks to more than three hundred persons on its payroll. The event marked the third yearly distribution under the ,concern's employee profit-sharing plan inaugurated in 1928.. Under the plan, individual employees receive a share of the profits on the basis of position and length of service with the company.

Although the plan has been in operation a comparatively short time, The Pioneer Paper Company reports that it is proving an excellent means of stimulating interest and loyalty on the part of the employee, and is reflected in an increased quality of product and service. "The participation of the employee in our profits," stated Mr. J. H. Plunkett, General Manager of the company, "has shown a marked influence in the character of our service to our customers, and in the quality of our products, themselves. "The plan is rapidly being adopted by many large industries throughout the United States as a definite factor toward building success upon the sblid foundation of loval and interested employees."

"While business conditions during the past year have


H. D. Mortenson, Pelican Bay Lumber Co., Klamath Falls, Oregon, has returned to San Francisco following a business trip in the east.


H. B. Hewes, Jeanerette, La., president of the Clover Valley Lumber Co., Loyalton, Calif., and a director in the Pacifit Spruce Corporafion, Toledo, Oregon, was a recent visitor at the Los Angeles office of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co.

been looked upon by many as being unfavorable," continued Mr. Plunkett, "the Pioneer Paper Company has made a noteworthy recor'd of sales comparing very favorably with the year 1929. This progress has been due, in a large measure, to greater economies in manufacture and to increased service rendered our ,customers, together with a splendid spirit of cooperation and interest on the part of our employees."

A number of important improvements have been made in the company's sixteen-acre plant in Los Angeles. Noteworthy among these was the erection of a nerv manufacturing unit for the production of emulsified asphalt, enlargement of the asphalt refinery, an,d the addition of a complete new wing to the administration building to accommodate several new departments necessitated by the growth of the organization.

During 1931, the Pioneer Paper Company are planning an intensive sales building program covering the principal items in the line. A feature of the plan will be territorial advertising help for individual dealers, and the launching of several new products controlled exclusively by the Pioneer Paper Company and its allied manufacturers.


Arthur E. Lane, New York City, President of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association, has just completed a five weeks' trip to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Lane spent ,considerable time on Association matters, and attended meetings arranged by wholesalers and manufacturers, at Minneapolis, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, Eugene. Ore.. and San Francisco.


H. G. Larrick, Lumber & Builders Supply Co., Solano Beach, was a recent Los Angeles visitor r,vhere he attended to company business matters and called on the trade.

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