1 minute read
Watertite Casement Hardware Co. Make Many Installations in Texas
W. F. O'Keeffe, Watertite Casement Hardu'ood Co.. Los Angeles, who recently returned from a five uronths' business trip to Texas rvhich carriecl him over all sections of the state reports that his trip rvas very successful. He states that among the prorninent jobs in rvhich he succeedetl in having "Watertite Casement Hardrvare" specified, included the follorving: High School at San Antonio ; Sau Benito High School ; Christian Science Church of Dallas ; Recreational Building for the City of San Antonio; Community' Theatre, at Comfort; together *'ith manl' fine residen,ces throughout the state.
The Watertite Casement Hardrvare Co. norv has dealer representation in all parts of the state of Texas, he states.
Sun Lumber Company Has Attractive Display
Utilizing the front portion of their main office building, the Sun Lumber Company, of Beverly Hills, Calif., has completed a building material display as an aid to homeowners and builders. An attractive rustic corner' a portion of a kitchen. a breakfast nook, and other rooms have been reconstructed in such a \\'ay as to display the products handled by the company. "We find the service not onll' attractive but helpful to the builder and homeou'ner alike". Earl C. Jameson, salesmanager of the company' states. Frank Burnaby, rvell knor,r'n Southern California retailer, is president of the Sun Lumber Compant'.
Issue "Troian" Catalo$
The Trojan Cupboard Company, of Burbank, Calif', are opening thL new year with the distribution of a new catalog of t-heir "Trojin" cupboards and built-in fixtures. The ne-w catalog shows illuslrations and pric-es, and copies are 'being mailJd to the retail lumber trade. T!"y.merchandise their"proclucts through the retail lumber dealers, and-Joe Williams. of the Trojan Cupboard Company, says: "It is the firm conviction of our company that shop-made cupboards for the kitchen. as rvell as cases for the bath-room and rvardrobes, should be handled by all retail lumber dealers. Since the organization of the company'. its business has been strictly wholesale." Complete service in the line of dealer helps is rendered by his company, also their representatives are pleased to make pers-onal calls on bona ficl'e prospects turned in by lumber dealers, Mr. Williams sa)'s.
YOU, who sold them, know that to be a fact. YOU, who passed up that profit last year, can add to your sales and your profits in t931.
Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co.' of Montesano, Wash., have opened an office in the Western Pacific Building, Los Angeles. E. E. Schmidt, who has been connected rvith the sales department at the company's millat Montesano for the past several 1'ears, n'ill be in charge of their L.os Angeles office.