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Two Pioneer Mills Consolidate Sales
Cross.ett, Arkansas.-Formation of the Fordyce-Crossett Sales Company with headquarters at Crossett, Arkansas, and having for its purpose, marketing of the lumber products of the Fordyce Lumber Company, Fordyce, and the Crossett Lumber Company, Crossett, Arkansas, has been announced by officials of both concerns.
While owned by the same interests, these pioneer Arkansas enterprises heretofore have marketed their respective outputs individually. Under the new sales plan which goes into effect January 1st, the extensive operation and comprehensive plant facilities of both concerns become. in effect, a single enterprise with an attendant increase iu the range and volume of products now offered the trade through one marketing source and comprising an annual production of 50,000,000 feet of Arkansas Soft Pine, 20,000,000 of Royal Oak Flooring and 30,000,000 feet of Southern Hardwoods.
Established in the early 9O's, the Fordyce and Crossett projects have played an -important part in the industrial development of their home state. Each has been a constructive factor in the practice of scientific forestry, enabling both plants to continue supplying the trade with their present volume for an indefinite period. In addition to supporting substantial pay rolls, both have been active in providing systematic thrift and savings plans for employees, ideal living conditions for workers both at tl-re plants and in the woods, and in establishing company supervised s,chool s1'sten.rs rvhich have attained national
Purchase Independent Lumber Co. Yard
Ross Hostetler, manager of the Costa Mesa Lumber Co.. Costa Mesa, Calif., has announced the purchase of the Independent Lumber Co. The Independent Lumber Co. was started about three years ago by John Shroth. The stock of lumber and building materials will be moved to the Costa Mesa Lumber Co. yard, and the business of the Shroth Co. condu,cted from that office.
repute as models in both primarl'and secondarl' education.
Offi,cers of the new sales company are A. Trieschmann, president; D. C. Gates, vice-president ; L. J. Arnold, secretary-treasurer; J. W. Watzek, Jr. and E. C. Crossett,-Directors. W.H. Burroughs, who for several years past has been sales manager for the Fordyce Lumber Company, will have the same position with the new sales company. A.W. Bird, who has been sales manager for the Crossett Lumber Company, becomes superintendent of manufacturing operations, bringing to these duties a ripened experience in production and marketing. It is considered that these changes and unified sales plan constitute a constructive forrvard step which will be of direct and substantial benefit to every user of Fordyce-Crossett products.
Beginning as pine manufacturers 40 years ago, both plants have since expanded to include the manufacture of hardwood and oak flooring on a large scale. The companies' products are now marketed over a rvide territory extending from the Rocky Mountains to Nerv England. and embracing a wide range of industrial users as well as lumber yards and planing mills.
Keeping step with the progressive merchandising practices now required byhighly competitive conditions, the products of each of these mills are trade and grade marked in accordance with the recommendations of the United . States Department of Commerce and as practiced by the leading lumber trade association members throughout the United States.
Chester Minard Reappointed Vicegerent Snark
Chester Minard, of the Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento, has been reappointed vicegerent snark folSierra, Yuba, Sutter, Colusa, Yolo, Placer, Eldorado, Sacramento and Nevada counties, Calif., by Supreme Jabberrvock H. S. Morton. lle was nominated for reappointment by the members of Hoo Hoo in his district and u'as recommended by State Counselor Paul E. Overend.