1 minute read
I32 Million ttsales Power [Jnits"
THE Celotex Company has learned this fact, r that: the only thing that will produce continuous and profitable turnover of a dealer's gtock is consumnr acceptance established by a broad and coruinuous national advertising campaign.
Over a period of years The Celotex Company has spent millions in magazines, newspaperE and business journals in convincing people of the merits of Celotex insulation for year'round comfort, lower fuel bills, and attic remodeling.
54 publications will carry this year''s Celotex advertising campaign-the greatest aggregation of sales power mediums back of any insulation material.
The total number of advertisements appearing in these mediums means that 132,000,000 sales power units will be used to broadcast the Celotex story in 1931.
Tell your salesmen to capitalize the nationwide preference for C.elotex-insulated homes. Send today for the Celotex Merchandising plansto help your men produce a faster, more profitable turnover.
The Celotex Company, 9L9 North 'lhe Company, 919 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois. In Canada: Alexander Murray & Company, Ltd., Montreal. Sales distributors throughout the World.