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San Francisco Lumber Vets Celebrate Anniversaries
On January 2nd, 1931, Wm. G. Mugan, Secretary of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company, celebrated his 47th year of ,continuous service with that concern.
on January Znd, James-t;J celebrated the 50th an'iversary of his connection with The Chas. Nelson Company, of which he has for many years been executive head. He was a nephew of Chas. Nelson, and started in the lumber office of his uncle when just a boy.
Tariff Commission Collects Data on Production Costs
New Orleans, La., January 3-Against the possible menace of foreign importation of lumber which may endanger future prosperity of the lumber industry of the South and other p-arts-of the United States, the Tariff Commission is now .collecting data on the production ,costs and the economic conditions surrounding the industry. On the strength of these studies, this government will probably decide, within the next several months, whether the present duty of $1 per thousand feet. board measure, will be incre.ased., to protect American labor and investment from unfair foreign competition.
Nelson Courtland Brown, professor of forest utilization at New York State College of Forestry (Syracuse, N. Y.), and representative of the Tariff Commission, reached New Orleans several days ago, and began collecting producingcost data on Southern pine from the Southern Pine Association, and representative Southern mills which requested that the pine industry be included in the Tariff Commission's investigations.
New "Moore" Calender
Everyone engaged in the lumber industry is doubtless familiar with the darkey calendars issued each year by the Moore Dry Kiln Company of North Portland, Oregon, and Jacksonville, Florida. The drawings by James P. Alley, famous creator of "Ifambone's Meditations" which appear in thedaily newspapers of the South, are exceptionally clever.
The new 1931 calendar is just off the press, and shows old Un,cle 'Neas fishing in a "hog wallow" near his dilapidated sawmill and logging operation, which is shut down due to the 1930 business "repression".
The calendar picture is entitled "The Optimist"
By writing the Moore Dry Kiln Company either at North Portland, Oregon, or Jacksonville, Florida, a free copy of this interesting calendar may be obtained.
IAtlantic Lumber Co. Add Roofing Department
TheAtlantic Lumber Co., Bell, Calif., announces the addition of a roofing department to their business. Ralph J. Starkey will be manager of the new department. Dewitt Caspary and Max Gardner are the owners of the Atlantic Lumber Co.