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Douglas Fir Plywood To South PoIe
rvas used because the waterproof glue line u'ill not be afiected by the condensation developing from the extreme temperature difierence. Building partitions and the men's bunks have been built with s/g" Plypanel. As the structures r'vill be subjected to heavy pressure by snow, ice and wind' the additional rigidity provided by plywood lining becomes increasingly important. At the same time, plyrvood's light.ness of rveight and ease of portability make it especially desirable for transporting over the rugged terrain of Little America.
The extreme care'ivhich will govern all scientific observations is illustrated by the plans for constructing three minor science buildings. Designated as the magnetic variation' seismograph and magnetic absolute buildings' they are to b" .o.,rtru"ted entirely of Douglas fir plywood' The fact that they w-ill house very delicate instruments prevents the use of steel or iron in their construction, due to possible interference of magnetic fields, and so copper nails are to be employed as a holding agent. It is planned to constrttct these aboard ship enroute to the Antarctic'
In addition to the panels storved aboard the North Star for the above-mentioned shelters' an additional supply is being carried for general construction purposes at the ."-fr. One of these projects 'ivill be the fashioning of trail bo*es, lvhich are fitted on the dog sleds and used {or storing food and equipment. The prime requirements are that they be light and strong.
While periodic broadcasts will inform the world of day to day events, it will be some rvhile before the significance of the combined observations of the expedition can be sifted down. Great hopes are held, however, that hitherto unknown causes of natural phenomena rvill be discovered as a result of the extensive observations to be made'