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Southern California Retail Yard For Sale
70 miles from Los Angeles on main highway in fast growing community. Railroad lease, established trade, clean stock, Bod equipment. For full particulars address Box C-773, California Lumber Merchant'
Ross Lumber Carrier For Sale Or Rent
This carrier has never been used in a lumber yard and is like new. Low price. Terms. Wilmott-Murphy Inc., 5707 So. Alameda St., Los Angeles. Phone JEfferson 0934.
Lumber Yard Wanted
Will pay cash for yard in San Diego or vicinity, or take interest in a good yard. Give full particulars' Address Box C-785, California Lumber Merchant'
Want To Buy
Small or medium-sized yards anywhere south of Stockton. Information kept confidential. Write Hayward Lumber & fnvestment CompanY, P. 9. Box 1551' Los Angeles, Calif.
George Wood Enters Business For Himself
George Wood has resigned his position with the East Side Lumber Yard, Santa Cruz, to go into business for himself. He was u'ith the yard twenty-eight years, and acted as manager for twenty-four years.
Mr. Wood started with what was then the East Side Mill & Lumber Company which was known later as Wood Brothers Company. It became the East Side Lumber last March when it was bought by the Santa Cruz Lumber Company.
Wendell Van Houten is now managing the East Side Lumber Yard.
Back From Arizona Vacation
Olaf Anderson of the Olympia Harbor Lumber Olympia, Wash., and Mrs. Anderson stopped over in Angeles for a few days last week on their way back a vacation trip to Arizona.
How would you like to have in your employ a young man with six years' experience in the lumber Lusirress, whose family has been in the business for 58 years. Thirty years of age, graduate of the University of Texas, industrious, sober, honest, dependable, efficient. Desires position as auditor, assistant manager, or bookkeeper. Married and has one child' Empioyed now but desires to rise in chosen field' E:rceli*rrt ""f"t"ttces. Address Box C-783, California Lumber Merchant.
Connection Wanted
Young married man noYY employed in California Pine mill desires connection with progressive wholesale lumber concern in San Francisco or Los Angeles' Has mill, sales department, and previous wholesale experience. Address Box C'786, California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced wholesale lumber salesman wants position. Has worked in both the Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay territories and knows the retail trade. Address Box C-787, California Lumber Merchant.
We have a number of good yards in Southern Cali' fornia for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 8Ol Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRosPect 8746.
Appointed Yard Manager
Co., Los from
Norton-Phelps Lumber Co., Santa Cruz, recently had a fine repainting job done on their sheds and office building.
The E. K. Wood Lumber Company has appointed Marco De Nicolai manager of its new retail yard at 650 N. Harbor Blvd., San Pedro. Mr. De Nicolai has been connected with the company for the past twenty-eight years. He has been a long-time resident of San Pedro and is a member of the 3O Year Club, pioneer organization of that city.
Make Air Trip
E. L. Green, r'ice-president in charge of sales, and Mason Kline, sales engineer, IJnion Lumber Company, San Francisco, were in Los Angeles last week on business. They traveled by air.