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Shevlin Pine Gompany
SELUNG TI|E PNODUCTS OF r lbr McCloud Blrrr Luubrr Coupcny llcC|oud, Cqllloraia
Sbcrlia-Clqrlr Conpcay, Uaitod Fort Flaac.r, Oatcdo
. fb. 8h.rlb.Int6 CoEpqE Erad, Orogoa r Member of lhc lilcate4 Pinc Asaoclqion, Portlcrrd, Orcgon
Dl8riltutoB3 0F
Rcc.U. S. Pat. Off.
EXECtttrvE omcE
900 Flrrt Ncdord Soo Ltao Bultdbg MINNEAPOI^IS. MINNESOTA
. -NEw IoRK cEIcAco l6p! .Grcybcr B!ds. 1863 Ldsailo-W;ckcr Btdcr. Mohryl 4-9117- Telepitola Cenirot It-#SAN FRANCISCO 10f,) Moncdaocl Bldo. EXbrooL ftl
330 pctrotclons dflt* sALEs oFFIcE pccr tnts
NOBTIIE8N (Gcnuine) WIIITE PINE (Pnflts sTRoBus)
National Thrift \(/eek
Washington, Jan. 11.-"Personal defense" for Americans through heeding the example of Benjamin Franklin was recommended today by Frank W. Hancock, Jr., member of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, as 3900 member savings and loan associations of the Federal Home Loan Bank System made preparations to observe the birthday of the pioneer statesman and philosopher.
Long known as "National Thrift Week," the seven days beginning with Franklin's anniversary, January 17, will be devoted by banks, home-finance associations, insurance companies, schools and civic groups in many parts of the country to expounding his doctrine of hard work and regular saving.
"Franklin, the 'apostle of thrift,' contributed greatly to the American habit of saving, from which came the capital investments necessary for the rapid development of our expanding frontiers," said Mr. Hancock.
"Ifis almanac, 'Poor Richard,' issued for over a quarter of a century, was one of the few publications of its time. It influenced many generations of American families and the education of their children along lines of self-reliance and foresight. Franklin expressed his thoughts so simply that every child could understand and apply them.
"fn the changing world of today, when such qualities are more essential than ever, we can afford to review this aspect of the life of Ftanklin and apply the lessons to ourselves.
"Saving, as advocated by Franklin, meant not only spending less than you earn, but diligence in work, building regular habits and careful planning for the future-in other rvords, foresight in action. Of course, he did not counsel a shabby hoarding of nickels but rather the husbanding of one's resources for later spending, in order to provide himself and his family with a home, education and other advantages, or to grasp a business opportunity."
Among the sayings of "Poor Richard" which became household words in the middle eighteenth century Mr. Hancock cited: "There are no gains without pains," "Diligence is the mother of good luck," "'Tis hard for an empty bag to stand upright," "Necessity never made a good bargain," and "He that waits upon fortune is never sure of a dinner."
"In his own later li{e, Franklin demonstrated the value of his philosophy by becoming perhaps the most versatile character in our history-political leader, diplomat, essayist, scientist, inventor, educator, publisher and organizer of. many business enterprises," said Mr. Hancock. "Although an individualist, he was unsurpassed for his devotion to the public welfare."
Saving has been made safer and easier to practice in the
Building Permits at lO-Year High
New York, Jan. 11.-The building industry established a lGyear record in 1940, Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., reported today. Building permits during the year in 2I5 selected cities totaled $I,362,ffi,27O, an increase of 9.8 per cent over the $1,240,813,958 of 1939. Excluding New York City, where permits declined by 5.5 per cent, the gain for the other cities rvas 13.4 per cent.
The record for the year by geographical divisions follows:
Contract s in 1940 Brolce all Records
New York, Jan. ll.-The rush to get national defense construction under way in the last half of 194O carried the year's engineering construction alvards to the highest peak ever reported by Engineering News-Record. The 1940 volume, $3,987,243,000, topped the previous peak of 1929 by 1 per cent, and exceeded 1939 by 33 per cent.
Private and public construction awards both participated in the gains. The public volume set a new high mark, gaining 34 per cent over the 1939 total, but at the same time private contract awards climbed to the highest point reached in a decade.
past eight years by such Government measures as insurance of savings and bank deposits and curbs on speculation, Mr. Hancock emphasized.
During National Thrift Week, many financial institutions will set aside days for special observances such as "ParentTeacher Association Duyl' "Own Your Home Day," "fnsurance Day," and "save Through Wise Buying Day," r'vith sponsorship by separate groups. They will tell how periodic savings increase steadily with the aid of earnings regularly compounded.
"Prior to the war, celebration of an annual 'World Thrift Day' had spread to twenty-eight countries, r'vith the back' ing of some 5500 savings institutions," Mr' Hancock recalled. "ft was coordinated by the International Thrift Institute, founded in Milan in 1925. The present disruption of these activities should give added impetus to the American week for encouragement to saving."