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PANELS cuT stocK

Assured of the

Quality by Purcha3ing for Direct Mill Shipment

Hcrmony is expressed in the clean cut lines ol this lovely five-room home, which is most foiendly cnd inviting.

Ol specicrl interest is the convenient entry with coct closet, the small center hall crflording eqsy cccess lrom ecrch room to bcrth cnd the lovely cornerdinette which opens into both living room crnd kitchen.

This home wcs selected lrom the "Modern Low Cost Homes" book issued by the E. M. Dernier Service Burecu, 3443 Fourth Avenue, Los Angeles, Ccrlilornia, whose plcnning service is under the direct supervision oI Wm. E. Chcrdwick, Registered Structurcrl Engineer.

Reports Loan Volume for November

Chicago, January 11-Continuing in November their substantial margin of lending over the like month of tlie previous year, savings, building and loan associations throughotrt the country loaned $94,567,W, the United States Savings and Loan League reported today. Paul Endicott, Pomona, California, president of the League, said that the proportion of the institutions' advances going into construction of new homes, $1.00 out of each $2.9() loaned in November, was larger than in any month of the first half of the year.

Money u'ith which to buy existing homes was in slightly .greater demand with these thrift and home financing institutions as the winter season approached than was money to build ner'v ones, Mr. Endicott said. While lending $32,584,0@ to pay for new homes, they advanced $33,875,000 to pay for existing ones. Although somewhat ofi from the peak months of late summer and fall, the November volume of advances for both these purposes was well above that of any month of 1939, and construction loans amounted to some $6,000,000 more than in November a year ago.

Ohio, Illinois and California rvere the three ranking states in total of savings and loan advances for all purposes during the month, in the same order as they were a year ago.

Analysis of the November loans and the purpose for rvhich they were made f'ollows:

Hold Open House

Hammond Lumber Com,pany recently held open house at their Canoga Park yard when guests inspected the nerv offices which they have built after rearranging their yard. These offices are modern and very attractive. The lower sider,valls are of Redwood, and above the woodwork the walls are of Nuwood. The ceiling is of paneled Nur'vood. The counters are all of Redwood beautifully grained and surfaced with linoleum tops. In the manager's office the walls are of Redwood finished in white. All the windorv trim is of Redwood. Venetian blinds have been used on all windows and doors.

Dick Speer is manager of the yard.

South Gate Building Shows Big Gain

Housing space for many families u'as provided in South Gate by the building program carried on there during last year. Fifteen hundred and twenty-one of the residential projects were single-family dwellings and the remaining 161 were multiple-unit homes, apartment-houses and courts, according to figures released by Building Inspector J. H'. Woods.

For 194O, the building permits totaled $5,166,541. Of this amount $4,606,105 represented the construction of neu' residences.

The vear's total far exceeds any other in South Gate's I7-year history and eclipses the combined 1938 and 1939 records.

Change In Name

Builders Supply Co., El Centro, Calif., has changed its name to Latham Lumber Company. Hugh C. Latham is the proptietor.

Charlie Miller California Visitor


Building permits in the unincorporated area of Los Angeles County showed an increase of better than $9,00O,000 during 1940 as compared to the preceding year.

Statistics compiled by the Department of Building and Safety showed a volume of $41,016,920 as compared to $31,856,397.

Charlie Miller of the Youngs Bay Lumber Co., Warrenton, Ore., rvas a California visitor during the holiday season, and as is l-ris usual annual cnstom attended the Rose Bowl football game at Pasadena.

Change Of Address

D. C. Essley and D. C. Essley & Son announce the removal of their offices to 9@ Atlantic Blvd., Los Angeles, room 210, efiective Januarv l,1941. The telephone number is ANgelus 2-II83.


Thoroughly experienced from stump to consumer, including sales, costs, balance sheets, accounting in every detail, retail or wholesale. Also licensed building contractor. Best references. Bond if necessary. Free to go anywhere. Married, no children. Non-drinker. Address Box C-845 California Lumber Merchant.

Planing Mill For Sale

For sale, fully equipped Planing Mill-East Bay District. In live town with plenty of business. Good proposition. $5000.00 will handle. Address Box C-556 California Lumber Merchant.


Lumber Yard and Hardware Store stock valued at $35,00G-Equipment $5,000. Will rent or sell real estate. Good business. Owner retiring. Address Box C-557, California Lumber Merchant.

Gets Big Contract

A $1,351,642 contract to Ford J. Thwaits Co. and the Morrison-Knudsen Co. of Los Angeles, for construction of miscellaneous buildings at Fort Ord was announced January 1O by the War Department in Washington.

At the same time the National Defense Advisory Commission revealed that contract awards for plant expansion, construction and equipment t<ltaling more than $37,000,000 have been placed in Southern Caliornia.

The awards:

Douglas Aircraft, for plant expansion, $11,254,700.

Vultee Aircraft, plant expansion, $4,294,798.

Bethlehem Steel Co., San Pedro, shipbuilding facilities, $4.006,000.

I-os Angeles Shipbuilding Co., San Pedro, expansion of plant facilities, $850,000.

Consolidated Aircraft, San Diego, plant expansion, $17,536.973.

Fha Demand Continues

The nerl, year is getting off to a good start in residential building under Federal Housing Administration inspection in Southern California, according to Capt. Wilson G. Bingham, district director.

Close to 300 applications for the insurance of nerv home mortgages under Title 2 were received by the local FHA office during the opening short week. In addition, 17 applications lvere received for insurance of ner,v small home mortgages under Title l.

Position Wanted

Wide-awake, all-around man. Now manager of small yard in Southern California. Experienced sales' man, estimator, credits, bookkeeper, all-around office man. Will accept subordinate position with opportunity. Will go anywhere. Age 45, excellent health. Address Box C-835, California Lumber Merchant.

Will Buy Interest In Lumber Businesf

Want to buy an interest in retail yard or wholesale lumber business in Los Angeles area. Will want to be an active partner. Address Box C-559 California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Yards For Sale

We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, EOl Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect E746

FHA Applications Reach New Peak

Washington, Jan. 11.-The Federal Housing Adrninistration reported today that applications for rnortgage insurance reached a new peak last year, invol.r'ing loans totaling $99O,2593@ on 214981 new homes. This was an increase of 26 per cent in dollar value and 31 per cent in number of homes over the previous high mark reached in 1939, the FHA said.

In addition, the FHA insured loans totaling more than $20,000,000 for homes to be built under Title I of the act, t'hich limits such loans to $2500.

During December, applications for mortgage insurance covering 12,942 homes rvere received, compared u'ith 14,068 in November and lO,?79 in December,1939, the agency said.

Indications Point To Brisk Building Year

Washington, Jan. ll.-Wide gains over a year ago in recent FHA home mortgage insuring activities indicate that residential building will get off to a fast start this year, Federal Housing Administrator Abner H. Ferguson said today.

During December, applications for mortgage insurance on new homes to be built under FHA inspection increased 24 per cent over the like period of 1939, as compared rvith a 13 per cent gain in November.

Stops Clogging

To protect dor,vnspouts and gutters from becoming clogged with leaves and debris, place a u'ire screen of either galvanized steel or copper at tl-re top of the gutter.

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