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Benjamin E. Smith

Benjamin Edrvard Smith, assistant manager of the Lone Pine Lumber & Supply Company, Lone Pine, Calif., passed away Wednesday morning, December 11, at the Lone Pine Hospital, following an accidental gunshot rvound in the leg. As he opened the door of a friend's automobile the night before, a loaded gun fell out and exploded. Mr. Smith was 29 years of age.

He had been connected rvith the Lone Pine Lumber & Supply Company since 1930, and advanced from yard work to assistant manager. He rvas a charter member of the Elks Lodge of Bishop, and had been elected Chancellor Commander for the coming year of Mt. Whitney Post, Knights of Pythias.

He is survived by his widou', Dorothl' Mae Smith; a son, David Warner Smith; his father, Willis F. Smith; and two sisters, Mrs. Ann Palmer and Mrs. Ruth Phillips. Funeral services were held at Lone Pine on December 13.

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