1 minute read

A wider market for wood panelled walls

Wood panelled walls, in the days of solid panels and special mill: work, were costly. Today, with plywood panels and standard mouldings, their cost compares favorably with the ordinary wall treatmente. Dealers are developing new business in this field, both in new construction and re-modelling jobs.

RED RMR "Paul Bunyan's" CALIFORNIA PINE PLYWOOD and WALLBOARD gives the builder "old fashioned pine" texture with the grain figures brought out by rotary-cutting. Their variety and beauty appeal to the discriminating designer but their cost is no rnore than other plywoods.

RED RIVER "Paul Bunyan's" CALIFORNIA PINE takes a wide variety of rich finishes in stains. For paints and enamels this even textured soft pine covers smoothly and economically with a alving in material and labor. RED RIVER plywoods are re-dried'after gluing, under humidity control that balances the moisture sen[sn[AT NO EXTRA COST.

DEALERS can stock RED RMR PANELS with conservative inventories, and minimum handling cost, with Red River Mixed cars, lumber, mouldings and plywood.

J. E. MARTIN Mamging Editor

M. ADAMS Circulation Muager

A. C. MERRYMAN Advertising Manager

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