2 minute read
acres provided suitable means are exercised to confine fire to such areas. Except for first year slashing fires, advance authorization from the State Division of Forestry will be required before burning slashings.
3. Slash fires may be set only after soaking fall rains, or under advance permit from the California State Division of Forestry.
4. Suitable effort will be made in the control of logging operations and through the training of woods personnel to preserve for seed trees and future growth not less than an averag'e of four trees per acres determined by forty acre tracts.
5. The Association will retain counsel of a te,chnical forester to:
(a) Advise it in all of its forest ,conservation measures.
(b) Investigate the feasibility of sustained yield forest management.
(c) Investigate possibilities of selective or partial cutting as a practical method of increasing forest conservation.
(d) Investigate possibilities of modifying current logging methods to make possible preservation of unmer'chantable trees.
(e) Investigate slash burning practices for the purposes of possible modification to increase forest ,conservation.
6. As rapidly as practi,cal methods of increasing forest productivity are devel,oped under the investigations set forth above, they will be incorporated for adoption as supplements to this Code of Forest Practi.ce. The above Redwood Forest Practice Code was unanirnously approved by all persons present at the meeting in San Francisco on November 17,1933 as providing a satisfactory code for the Redwood district under the terms of Article X of the Lumber Code. The following were present when the Forest Practice Code as jointly drafted, was given final approval:
H. W. Cole, President, California Redwood Association; Newton Drury, Save-the-Redwoods League; L. C. Hammond, Hammond & Little River Redwood Co., In,c.; M. B. Pratt, California State Forester; T. D. Woodbury, United States Forest Service; H. L. Person, California Federal Forest Experiment Station; Prof. Emanuel Fritz, University of California, Division of Forestry; Prof. Myron Kreuger, University of California, Division of Forestry;
C. R. Johnson, IJnion Lumber Company; E. I. Kotok, California Federal Experiment Station; S. B. Show, Regional Forester, United States Forest Service; F. V. Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Company; S. Rexford Black, Secretary, California Forest Protective Association.
(Continued f.rom Page 24) solidated into one Bill. President Baldwin has asked that all lumber dealers and everybody connected with the building industry get behind these Home Loan Bills and to write or wire their Congressmen and Senators urging their approval.
Lumber Yard For Sale
Los Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box C-480. Care California Lumber Merchant.
A position by young man of good habits, experienced in yard and office work both retail and wholesale lumber business. Can run bookkeeping and billing machine, also has bank experience. Will go anywhere. References given. Address C-500, The California Lumber Merchant.
For Lease
\Marehouse equipped complete for handling of lumber and lumber products. 80x135 feet, double frontage, on Santa Fe Siding. Desks, safe and office space included. Apply Roy E. Harrington, care California Moulding Co., 1306 West 58th Street, Los Angeles.
Competent Experienced Lumberman
Retail Lumberman seeks connection as manager or assistant, expert accountant, years of experience in all branches of retail lumber and building materials. FIave managed one-man yards, also larger lst class plants with planing mill and sash and door department. Open for any position to start. Address Box C-501 California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumberman
lvants position as yard manager or in charge of office. Has been connected with the lumber business in Southern California for a long period. Will go any place. Address C. R. Short, 119 North 5th Street, Alhambra, Calif. Telephone Alhambra 528M.
For Sale
3-TON REO with overload springs, 1S-foot combination three-roller body. Carries 4,000 feet Common Lumber. Truck practically new. Real bargain. Phone THornwall 5905. Mail address 838 West 104th Place, Los Angeles. G. W. Maddox.
Will Rent Or Lease

Available lumber storage facilities under cover, yard and office space. Excellent location, Alameda and | 5th Streets, in center of [.os Angeles lumber district. Spur tracks on property. Above property can be rented or leased at very reasonable rates. Sprinklered buildings also available on premises for wood-working manufacturing or kindred lines. For information address-
8 | I Commercial Exchange Blds., Los Angeles, Calif. TRinity 2001