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Do you know the McCormick sdesman? You should know him as well as all your other employees. He wants to wod< with you. Ffis yeara of lumber experience equip him with the firct hand knowledge of your busine that can help you<very day.
We really want you to know us betteewe want to know yotr bettet+o ledc get ac' quainted.
As in the past' we will in 1934 give you that prompg speedy service for which we are famous. Yes, sir, with a smile.
in Retail Sales
Washington, D. C., Jan. 12.-An open price agreement whereby each retail lumber dealer will file his individual schedule of prices and terms of sale was established by an amendment to the Retail Lumber, Lumber Products, Building Materials and Building Specialties Industry Code, approved today by National Recovery Administrator Hugh S. Johnson.
As approved October 3rd last by President Roosevelt, the code provides that "All prices, terms and conditions of sale as developed under the uniform cost aciounting system or established by appropriate rule or regulation within any trade area shall be published by each dealer within each trade area and shall be filed with the Code Authority."
Today's modification provides that on 1O days' notice from the Code Authority each dealer shall file with the Code Authority "his prices individually prepared by him" with the stipulation these prices must be sufficient to cover cost.
General Johnson's order came after a public hearing on the modification, which had been approved by the Retail Lumber Code Authority.
This action follows an administrative order dated January 5, in which General Johnsorr approved, for a 90-d*y test period, the method by which "actual overhead" will be determined for inclusion in the retail selling prices of lumber, lumber products, building materials and building specialties.
The retail lumber code provides that no one shall sell below cost, and the order of January 5 declares that the cost figure used "shall in no case be less than the effective minimum delivered price established by the Code Authority of the Code of Fair Competition for the Lumber and Timber Products Industry. Actual overhead is to "include disbursed expense involved in selling and delivering merchandise as determined by accounting methods approved by the Code Authority and the Administrator . . . and shall be computed by the statistical mode methods."
Under the statistical mode methods approved today the "actual overhead" in the retail lumber business will include two general items-"handling and delivery expenses" and "overhead for selling and administration." In the case of lumber sold by the 1000-board feet, handling and delivery expense, fixed at approximately 17.77 per cent of the actual cost of the merchandise, will be approximately as follows:
45c and 50c Wage Area .. ....$6.00 per 1,000 feet
40c Wage Area . . 5.@ Per 1,000 feet
35c Wage Area . 5.n per 1,000 feet
25c and 30c Wage Area . 4.8O per 1,00O feet
Change Of Office
The Los Angeles office of the Findlay Millar Timber Co. announces their removal to new offices in the Board of Trade Bldg., 111 West Seventh Street. Their telephone number remains the same-TUcker 9126.