2 minute read
A Real Compliment
The faculty of the colored college in the South extended an invitation to a famous college professor and educator from one of the big colleges for whites, and there was much jubilation when the white teacher accepted.
When he arrived at the colored school for the occasion he was showered with the grateful attention, of the colored faculty, who allowed him no opportunity to misunderstand how highly he stood in their estimation, and how fattered they were by his presence.
He was introduced to the overflowing school auditorium by the large, pompous, and be-spectacled Professor who headed the institution, and who fairly outdid himself in his oration of presentation of the white man. ,He used all the laudatory adjectives in his power to pronounce in telling his great crowd of listeners how high the white professor ranked arnong the educators of the entire land, his name, his fame, and his high citizenship. And he ended by saying:
"An' Ah also wants you to know, Mah good friends, dat Professuh Greely is now an'has allus been a devoted friend of de cullud race. Yassuh, friends, Professuh Greely he sho' une'stan's niggahs an' treats 'em right. An' Ah am proud to say ob dis good white friend whut is about to address us dis day, dat while his skin may be white, his heart is jus'as black as yourn or mine."
Redwood Bark Fibre Approyed Home Owners Loan Corporation
bV Frigidaire Corporation Speaker Talks to Club
Approval of Palco Bark to be used for insulation purposes in ,commercial refrigerators was announced in a bulletin issued by the Frigidaire Sales Coporation October 25,1933.
The bulletin stated that the Sales Engineering Division of the Frigidaire Sales Corporation, Dayton, Ohio, had sanctioned the use of Palco Bark for insulation purposes, thus putting this material in a favorable position with cork board, mineral wool, etc.
The bulletin points out that the cost of Palco Bark is only about one-fourth of the ,cost of ,cork board, and suggests that the saving in ,cost made possible by the use of this material will be a large fa'ctor in making sales.
Edric F. Brown, manager bark products division, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, states that his company is naturally gratified that this internationally known manufacturer of refrigerators has placed their Palco Bark on an equality with other well-knorvn insulators.
New Manager at Vallejo Yard
P. T. Burns, who formerly managed the Kern County Lumber Company's yard at Bakersfield until it was closed out, and recently was secretary-manager of the San Fernando Lumbermen's Club, has been appointed manager of the \rallejo Lumber Company, Vallejo.
East Bay lumbermen listened with pleasure and profit to a talk by Gerald P. Martin, District Counsel of the Ifome Owners Loan Corporation, at their regular monthly dinner meeting held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Monday evening, January 15.
Mr. Martin's subject was "The Purposes and Procedure of the Home Owners Loan Corporation." He explained in detail the condition under which loans can be made, and the various kinds of loans, and answered a great many questlons.
Professor Emanuel Fritz talked on "Fungi and Action."
President chairman of the entertainment ,committee, conducted an roll ,call in the course of which he assessed a old fashioned few fines.
George Troth, a former secretary of the club, was a guest.
Russell Hawkins
Russell Hawkins, of the Home Loan Bank Board, died in his hotel in Washington as a result of a heart attack, January 16.
Mr. Hawkins was formerly president of the Whitney Lumber Co., Garibaldi, Ore. Ife was appointed to the Home Loan Bank Board in June, 1933, for a four-year term. He was born in Philadelphia, and was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania.