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Appointed Exclusive Distributor Northern Code Authority Meets
Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, has been appointed by Kesterson Lumber Corporation, of Klamath Falls, Ore., exclusive distributor of its No. 2 and. better Common and No. 2 Shop and better grades of California Ponderosa Pine.
As is well known, Kesterson Lumber Corporation's sawmill, built in 1931, with a ,capacity of 90,000,000 feet annually, is one of the best in the country. The planing mill is modern in every respe,ct, the dry kiln capacity is sufficient to take ,care of the entire cut, and the operation possesses every facility for turning out a first class produ,ct.
They are now working in a fine stand of Klamath Basin California Ponderosa Pine.
Frederic S. Palmer is manager of the Pine department of Santa Fe Lumber Co.
Spencer E. Slade
Spencer E. Slade, pioneer lumberman, died at his home., in Palo Alto, of a heart attack, lanuary 26.
Mr. Slade was a native of New York state where he was born 77 years ago. In 1878, he went to Stanton, Mich., where he was employed by the late Mr. E. K. Wood in his drug store, later becoming a partner in the business. In 1883, the store was destroyed by fire, and they came to the Pacific Coast where they became business associates in several timber and lumber companies at Aberdeen, Wash. In 1885, they formed the S. E. Slade Lumber Co., at San Francisco which sold lumber for several Aberdeen mills. Tn 1892, he sold out his interests to Mr. Wood who later founded the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. ,and Mr. Slade continued to operate the S. E. Slade Lumber Co. until his retirement a few years ago.
I{e was one of the founders of the Menlo Country Club, a member of the Bohemian Club and a thirty-second degree Mason.
Mr. Slade is survived by his wife, and three sons, Russell C. Slade of Palo Alto, manager of the S. E. Slade Lumber Co., San Francisco; Franklin M. Slade of Los Angeles, who formerly was.associated with his father in the lumber business, and Spencer E. Slade Jr. of Palo Alto.
Members of the Retail Lumber and Building Material Code Authority Inc., attended a meeting held at the Palace Hotel, San Fran,cisco, January 23.
Chairman Ralph Duncan presided, and gave a report on the National Code Authority meeting which he had recently attended at Washington.
Members present were Ira E. Brink, the Diamond Match Co., Chico; Warren Tillson, Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto; Mead Clark, Mead Clark Lumber Co., Santa Rosa; C. T. Lund, Iless Lumber Co., San Raphael; F. McNulty, McNulty Lumber Co., San Bruno; Lester Elliott, Flliott Lumber Co., Lodi; C. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton; F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno; Elmore King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield; C. I. Speer, Zenith Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland; J. H. Kirk, S. P. Milling Co., San Luis Obispo; John Tyson, Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland; J. H. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento; H. F. Vincent, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Oakland; E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn; Tom Hubbard, Hubbard & Carmi'chael Bros., San Jose; F. L. Dettmann, Allen & Dettmann Lumber Co., San Francisco; D. C. Essley, secretary.
Also present were the following: Sterling Truitt, P. C. Coal Co., San Luis Obispo; W. K. Kendrick, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno; C. S. Tripler, secretary, Central Valley Lumbermen's Club; C. D. LeMaster, secretary, Northern Counties Lumbermen's Club; C. R. Buchanan, secretary, East Bay Lumbermen's Institute, Oakland; S. J. Hauge, Redwood Empire Lumbermen's Club, Santa Rosa; Harold Ford, San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club, Fresno; Merle D. Bishop, secretary, Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club, Watsonville; Ed Larson, San Jose Lumbermen's Club, San Jose; Elmer Ellis, Peninsula Lumbermen's Club. Palo Alto.
Attending Code Hearing
Chas. L. Wheeler, vice-president, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., and of the McCormick Steamship Co., San Francisco, and Fred Fenwick, The Chas. Nelson Co., San Francisco, attended the hearing of the Lumber Code Authority at Washington, which began January 9, as representatives of the Pacific Coastwise Lumber Conference.
C. H. Griffen , )r. With Monterey B.y Redwood Co.
C. H. Griffen, Jr., general manager of the California Redwood Association, resigned effective January 15 after two years' service in this position. Ife announ,ces that he will be associated with the Monterey Bay Redwood Co., of Santa Cruz., Calif. Mr. Griffen has been prominently identified with the lumber business in California sin'ce 1915, and before joining the Redwood Association he was superintendent of the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., chain of retail yards.