1 minute read
Harry J. Graham has been appointed Director of Sales for the Pacific Coast for the Pioneer-Flintkote Company. He was formerly sales manager for the Pioneer Paper Company and took over his new duties when the Pioneer and Flintkote organizations recently consolidated. Mr. Graham was connected with the Pioneer Paper Company for the past trventy years in their sales department and is widely known with the lumber and hardware trade on the Pacific Coast. He will continue to make his headquarters at the company's Los Angeles office.
Mrs. Rose Blocklinger Twohy
Mrs. Rose Blocklinger Twohy died at her home in Los Angeles, Sunday, January 14,1934. She was 76 years of. age. Mrs. Twohy was born in Dubuque, Iowa, and had been a resident of Southern California for the past twentyseven years.
She is survived by her husband, E. J. Twohy; two sons, Arthur E. Twohy of the Twohy Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and Charles G. Twohy of Riverside, Calif., and a brother, E. A. Blocklinger, president of the Chiloquin Lumber Co., Chiloquin, Ore.
Funeral services were held in the Wee Kirk o' the Hea' ther, Glendale, Calif., on Tuesday afternoon, January 16.