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The Rhyming Pioneer
On New Year's Day the Pioneer (according to the paper), let out one loud and rousing cheer and started cutting capers. "Our age," they said, "is forty-five; for near two generations, we've kept the roofing game alive, and pulled a few sensations. 'We've run our plant in rain or shine, in dark or stormy weather, and builded up as fine a gang as ever got together. We built a plant long years ago, far better then than most, for asphalt is our specialty and asphalt is our boast." And, still, they say, the wonder grew that such a thing could be, for even when that plant was new, it was too small you see. And so they built it bigger still and gave it wide renown, for its ability to fill all orders from the town. Then spread its fame both far and wide, and wonder to behold, their business grew on every side, as asphalt turned to gold. So year by year grew Pioneer, in size and likewise station, and as it grew they added to their great organization. New products likewise came along, to be improved-perfected; they fitted in just like a song, and never were rejected. The same old gang, the same old bunch, was ever at the wheel; the same old vigor, vim and punch, the same old honest deal. And now to mutliply their power and magnify their fame, believing this a vital hour they straightway change their name. No friends, they don't drop "Pioneer," they keep it right in front, this name that always brought good ,cheer and bore the battle's brunt. They just add on another, a name of fame and note, the name of their big brother, you've heard the name-"Flintkote." Yes, Flintkote's name is known abroad, in every town and state, for "Flintkote" on your asphalt is like "Sterling" on y'our plate. No ,change is made in personnel; the same old gang remains, to push these products hard as-well, you know that gang has brains. And what a job they're going to do in all the years to come, promoting all their products new; and how they'll beat the drum ! One needs no gift of second sight to know this aggregation, of Pioneer and Flintkote is a winning combination. Their lumber friends who, through the years, have always patronized them, have now with blessings and with cheers, and with good-will-baptized them.
San Joaquin Club Meets
San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club met at the California Hotel, Fresno, on Saturday, January 27.
Officers of the club are Ge'orge Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co., Tulare, president; S. P. Ross, Central Lumber Co., Hanford, vice-president, and H. J. Ford, F-resno, secretary.
To Manage Crockett Yard
Jack Cooper, who formerly was in both the retail and sawmill ends of the lumber business with the Eatonville Lumber Co., Eatonville, Wash., has been appointed manager of the Crockett Lumber Co., Crockett.