1 minute read
CELOTEX fnterior Finish... A new qnd profi,table nta,rket
O Recent developments in the decoration of Celotex by means of grooving and beveling, have provided new treatments of Celotex surfaces and joints. As fnterior Finish, Celotex is an attractive and inexpensive wall and ceiling covering which combines decoration with insulation and structural strength. The average carpenter is able to apply Celotex as Interior Finish.
o The upper walls and ceiling of the office of the P. L. Frank Lumber Company, Kent, Ohio, are shown here. This job developed new business fo,r t{ris dealerTwelve jobs were sold from it and many definite prepects were obtained. Other Celotex dealers are making money by selling Celotex as fnterior Finish.
O Ask your Celotex Representative about this new market.
9f9 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois.