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The Pacific Division of the National Wooden Box Association met at the Hotel St. Francis, San Francisco, Cal., on Thursday and Friday, January 4 and 5, 1934. Officers elected by the board of directors were: W. G. Hyman, Pacific Box Corp. Ltd., San Francisco, president; J. W. Rodgers, Lassen Lumber & Box Co., San Francisco, vicepresident; and W. C. Strong, Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., chairman of the grading rules and specifications comnrittee.
Control of production, various methods of figuring footages, cost protection, minimum wag'es, retail rate matters, charges for special operations, and rules of fair trade practices were among the subjects discussed at the meeting.
The Bohnhofi Lumber Co. Inc. of Los Angeles has moved to their new location at South Alameda and Fifteenth Streets, tos Angeles, the site formerly occupied by C. W. Bohnhoff. The office and warehouse has been brightened up with d new coat of black paint and bright yellow signs. The company has recently purchased another new truck. The officials of the company are C. W. Bohnhoff, president; Clarence C. Bohnhofi, vi'ce-president; and Sidney N. Simmons, secretary-treasurer. Their yard was formerly located at 143O South Alameda Street.