2 minute read
J*kDiorrne, Prfrlislrn
Incecatrd ua&r thc lavr of Cdlfmb
J. C. Dlonc, Prcr. ud Trur.; Phll B. Hut, VlcaPrcr.; J..E Urrth, Sccv. PubIsbGd tbc kt end f5th of Grcb noth at llt-le-zo CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELES, CAL, TELEPHONE" VAndlka r5r5 Ent rcd u Sccod-clst rnrtter llcptcnba A, P2" at thc Pctolfkc at Is Arycl$, Crllfmia' ur&r Act of Much 1 fSrt
3i"H'a*i.ll"";.li:1.Pcr Ycar LosANGELEs, cAL., FEBRUARY t5, tszT Advcrtiring Rrtcr on Application
How Lumber Looks
Inland businecs, in Southern Californir' ir much bctter than in and vety cloce to tte retropolitan arear.
Wholcedcrr and mill men report a very stiefactory de' nend frorn the rrnall yardr, both all rail and fron tte coart, and they rtate tfiet odcrr fronr the yardt in Lor Angelct have not placed large orden, in tbe past two weckr.
All iterrr are ftrn, commona have not changed rince thc firrt of tte montt, romc grader of f,ooring and other up' pcrr have etrcnghcned, and ortting orderr ar€ very firrnr at the mill pricer.
Shiprnentr, into Loe Angelcr harbor, will run higher in Fcbruary trhan ttey did in Jenrnry, from indicationr on the 12tb.
Thc total for Janurry war a trifc under 1O2,(XX)'(XX) fect' and to the night of thc 12th of thb month rcported cargper totdled 54 million, with many boatc in right for the next rirteen daye.
edldhg permitr, in Lor Angelce, will rrm about thc rarne ar they did in January, when tte totel rcached war eight and a balf rnillion dollan.
Therc ir no grcat rurplur of lumber on tte docks, at San Pcdro. All mill men are agrced on thL, and it har been etated thit rmrold lumbcr rtorcd tfiere, and at Wilmington, ir lower now than it her been for rome mmttr.
Telegraphic reportr, onthe 12th, fron San Francirco, 'dirclore:
The lumbcr mar*€t in thc Bay Dirtrict and in tLe interior of California har not dcvelopcd any marked cbanget dur:rng the part two weekl
The Douglar Fir market rhorvr a fair vohunc of buriner moving with pricel rpottcd end unratirfictory. f.umb€r rhipmcntr by cargo into San Francirco dwing January totalled 68,O86,fi)O, ar comparcd with 71,147,(XX) in Deccnber, 1926, -a decline of 3r061r(XX) fcct Thetre arc about 25 boab tied up at the pracot time.
Pricer rhow ver5r little chenge with Comrnonr qnd Rougb Clcen going at about the rame price- Ccr'ling and f,ooring bavc rhown a digbt weahclr. Leth and Finirh are rcarcc itemr, but are going at about tfie larne priccr.
It ir reported that there are not vcr!/ nenyrail trarrtitr being ofiered
The Redwood market continucr good and dwing the pelt weck rome of thc nanufac'turers report trhat t[c dsnand fc uppers har rhown an improvcncnt. Sp[t.Rcdwood products are scarce. Redwood cargo arivalr ln San Francfuqo during Januiry totdled 15,325,(XX) fcet and rhowcd an increa.e of 469rfi)O fcet ovcr Dcccmbcr, 1926, errivelr when the total fiprnente were 14,829r(XX) fcct.
Conditionr in tbc Calif<irnia White and Swar Pine market rhow ver5r little change, with the demand fair end pricer re maining about thc lane. Somc of thc raills ere rcportcd to be rtarting e policy of curtailing thcir crt by taldng oft ttreir night rhiftr at a ncar date.