1 minute read
From Washtngton forest to New York doek
dthis lumber has neyer been out of the hands of the McCormich organization
NO one will wake up one filre dayto find the dirstribution problem solved. However, as organizations dealing in basic commodities cany out their objectives as McCotmick is doiag, th" problem of distribution will consistently roltn: itself.
Today timber is being logged on McCormick fracts, brought to the mills on McCormick raihoads, milled, loaded on McCorrnick vessels and brought to the docls of Califomia, Florida and the length of the Atlantic Coast.
Thus a saving is being effected, a senrice is being rendered. They are reflected in the pdces at which good lumber can be sold. This is the policy and the foundation upon which this 2$year old business was built.
Retailerc in the Middle Vest can take advantage of McC,onnick service through our well-equipped rail departnrent. Our repnesentatives nowcovermost of tfie Nothwest, Middle Vest and North C,entral states. I.et us quote you on yard stock, eitfier mixed or straight cans.
Gnas. R. McGorrntck Lumber Go.
ff SefUS OFFICES: Portland, San Franciro, LosAngeles, San fl ff Diego, New York, Philadelphia. Mills (under consttutiott ", ll ll re-building): St. Helens, Orcgon; Port Ludlow and Port Gambte, ll ll Vashington. TREATING PI-AI\T: St Helms, Orcgon. ll
Exclusive California distributors for Veyerhaeuser Fir Flooring and Valton Veneer Panels