6 minute read
El Paso Firm Enters California Field
The latest entrant of importance into the California lumber field is the Madera Lumber & Box Company of El Paso, Texas, lumber and box shook specialists.
While the company is organized under the laws of the state of Texas with domicile inEl Paso, its principal office and ihe home and headquarters of its Prcsident and Manager, Mr. Fred C. Jones, is Los Angeles, California. Mr. Jones, for many years a citizen of El Paso, and well and favorably known to the lumber and box industry of that part of the world, has moved to Los Angeles and is already living here. The offices of the company are getting going in good shape in the Produce Building, 1315 East Seventh Street.
At the present time Mr. Justin C. White of EI Paso. Vice-President of the company and in charge of the El Paso office, has been in California for the past two weeks, and with Mr. Jones has been calling on the trade in which they are primarily interested.
The Madera Lumber & Box Company is a new corporation, just organized under the laws of the state of Texas rvith $150,000 capital for the purpose of serving as the sales and wholesaling department of the Madera Box & Lumber Company, which is a $500,000 corporation engaged in producing lumber and box shook in the white pine forests of Mexico. The latter concern operates tlrro mills in Mexico that have a combined monthly output of three million feet.
In addition to handling this output, the new sales company is doing a general wholesale business in lumber and box shooks, and is planning to very rapidly enter the lum- ber selling field generally, handling hardwood flooring as well as softwoods.
In addition to their Mexican lumber and shook, they are handling lumber and shook.from Arizona, New Mexicr:, California, Oregon, Washington, Texas and Louisiana mills. Their maple and birch flooring comes from Canada, and their display samples are wonderful in quality. Their oak flooring comes from Louisiana.
Fred C. Jones is an old experienced lumberman, and a box shook specialist of many years' standing. He was associated for many years at El Paso with the great Pearson Syndicate properties, the Madera Company, Ltd., and the El Paso Milling Company, Ltd., part of the time as superintendent and later as Sales Manager.
The Madera Lumber & Box Company was organized by Mr. Jones, Mr. White, L. R. Hoard and O. W. Borrett, all of El Paso. Mr. White has been in the lumber business practically all his life, and is a member of the lumber firm of White Brothers of Houston, Texas. He will handle the sales in the Texas district. Mr. Borrett, like Mr. Jones and Mr. White, was alqo identified for years with the Pearson Syndicate.
Mr. fones speaks with enthusiasm of the business that they are already developing in Ca!,ifornia, and believes that by offering the California trade the varied product of the mills of the many territories mentioned above, and furnishing service of the most desirable sort. they can fnrnish the California trade something of great value.
The new concern is excellently financed, its personnel is of the finest quality, and its advent into the lumber life of California should be a distinct asset to this territory.
Pinkerton Tells Hoo Hoo About Proposed Legislation
Two Impending Bills of Vital Interest to All Lumberme4
C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Company, Whittier, and Past President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, was the speaker at the February l0th meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.
Hetold the meeting of what has been done at Sacramento, in the way of new legislation affecting lumber dealers, and dealers handling any other kinds of building materials, and particularly pointed out the good and bad features of two bills.
Mr. Prnkerton stated that over two thousand new bills rvould be presented to this session of the Legislature, that probably nine hundred of them would pass and at least five hundred would be signed by the Governor.
He declared that fifty of these bills directly concern building material men, and mentioned Bill No. 758 and No. 1050.
The former is a lengthy doCument containing the provision of licensing contractors. 'fhisbill makes it necessary for any contractor, in any kind of building work, to obtain a license to operate as a contractor, and necessitates the posting of a $5,000 surety bond. This bond is to be filed with the Secretary of State. Mr. Pinkerton is of the ooinion that this act would force the small town dealers into the bonding business, feeling that a large percentage of contractors who are good moral risks are not financially able to make such a bond and that they would turn to the local lumber dealers forsecurities on the paper.
Biil 758 also rvould contain a "Notice of Intention" clause, making it necessary to file a notice, ten days before starting work, on any job, regardless of size.
Bill No. 105O contains the provision as to the contractors bond of $5,000, does not meqtion the Notice of Intention matter, but creates a State Bhilding Department.
Mr. Pinkerton stated that.a committee is working, at Sacramento, attempting to make a joint bill of the two, combining the good features of each.
He expressed surprise over the fact that not one man at the meeting was able to name the Senator from his district, and warned the members of the Club that they should acquaint themselves with these names, so that they would be ready to help the Committee of the State Association, if called upon to write letters or send letters of protest.
'Pink' closed his address with a few remarks about the Grade Certificate that was started last vear bv the Association. He stated that since March, 1926,'whenihe Certificate was adopted, dealers in thirty-five towns are making use of it, and are enthusiastic over the results.
The meeting'was under the direction of the Nine, headed by Snark Wickersham.
A. L. Porter,'of Spokane, was introduced, as was Mr. Dalls Tourtellot, of Houston. Mr. Tourtellot is connected u'ith The Gulf Coast Lumberman.
Jack Dionne tolda 'nigger story' and the meeting adjourned.
We also sellSaginaw BrandRed Cedar Shingles. Their quVlity will meet your opprortoi.
California Lumber Dealers lose Millions of Dollars a year through Green Lumber Depreciation.

What is your share of this total?
Dty lumber, degrading completed, already shrunk, will save you a lot and cost you but little.

Hugh P. Alderman to Represent Company in Valley Territory
I.J. (Jim) Farley, for the past seven years representative of the Pacific Lumber Co. in the Sacramento and San Joa- quinValleyterritory, has been transferred to the companJ''s San Francisco office and will act as the company's representative on the Coast territory. "Jitn", as he'is best known to the lumber trade, is a progressive young lumberman, is very popular u'ith the trade and has an extremely large acquaintanceship with the lumber fraternity of the state. He has been connected with the Pacific I'umber Co' for the past nine years, his first two years having been spent at the company's mill operations at Scotia'and the balance of the timc as the company's representative in the Valley territory. He has been active in all the Lumber' men's Club afiairs in the Valley territory and is also an active member of Hoo Hoo.
HughP. Alderman. who has been connected with the Pacific Lumber Co. for several years with headquarters in their San Francisco office. will represent the company in the San foaquin and Sacramento Valley. He is now making his initial trip over the Valley territory, in company with "Al" Nolan of the San Francisco office, where they are cailing on the trade. Hueh formerly covered the Coast territory for the Pacific Lumber Co.. where he was popular with the trade. He also takes an active interest in Hoo Hoo affairs and is a member of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9.
Hayward Buys Two Yards
The Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, Los Angeles, has bought two yards at Beaumont, the Crowther Lumber Company and the Beaumont Lumber Company.
O.R. Chadsey, formerly manag'er for the first named yard will remain in the same capacity for Hayward.
HARoLD P. Ptut#ltl8[3* LocArED rN
Harold P. Plummer. Union Lumber Company, is now located in Chicago, where he is in charge of the company's eastern sales office. Harold A. Knapp, formerly manager of the company's Chicago office, has joined the sales organization of the Celotex Co. Mr. Plummer has been associated with the Union Lumber Company ever since his entry into the lumber business and prior to his going to Chicago held an executive position in the company's San Francisco olfice.
Mr. George R. Osgood, one of the founders of the Wheeler Osgood Company, accompanied by Mrs. Osgood and Mrs. W. C. Wheeler, is visiting Southern California.
C. G. (Chip) Chipchase of the Friend & Terry Lumber Company, Sacramento, made a few days' visit in Los Angeles last week.
He was shown the sights by H. L. Rosenberg of the Hipolito Company. Friend &Terry act as distributors, in Sacramento, for Hipolito products.
Mr. W. E. Perry, Vice President and General Manager of the Algoma Panel Company, Algoma, 'Wisconsin, spent some time in Southern California, in January and February.
Mr. Perry was entertained by Mr. Howell Baker, head of the California Panel Veneer Company, Southern California representatives foi the Algoma Panel Co.