3 minute read
East Bay Hardwood Concern Has Change in Ownership
J. O. Elmer New President of Strable Hardwood Co.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Strable Hardwood Co.-at Oakland on Monday, Januaty 24, final arrangements were completed for the purchase of this l_arge hardwood lumber concern, by a company headed by J. O. Elmer. The new company will continue to operate under the name of the Strable Hardwood Co. with J. O. Elmer, President.
J. O. Elmer, the new President, was formerly SecretaryManager of the Strable Hardwood Co., iswell known to the hardwood trade of the state and has been associatbd rvith the hardwood business in California for the past seven yeafs.
His entry into the California market was as representative for severai large eastern hardwood concerns, including the Carrier Lumber & Mfg. Co., Sardis, Miss.; Pearl River Valley Lbr. Co., Canton, Miss.; Frank Conklin, Memphis, Tenn.; Lucas E. Moore Stave Co., New Orleans; Bayon I-and & Lumber Co., Memphis, Tenn.; Moline Timber Co', Moline, Ark., and the International Mahogany Trading Co., Nelv Orleans. He first made his headquarters at Los Angeles but later moved to San Francisco and his close association with the hardwood trade in the Bay District brought him in close contact with the Strable Hardwood Co., rvhich finally led to his giving up his business and associating himself as a stockholder, director and secretarymanager of the Strable Hardwood Co. early in 1925.
Prior to his coming to California, Mr. Elmer was con'nected rvith the lumber business in the Gulf States. He was the first secretary in New Orleans for the National Exporters' Lumber Association.. Later he became secretarymanager of the Gulf Coast Lumber Exporters' Association with headquarters at Mobile, and while with this association, he compiled and standardized the export grades of Southern Yellow Pine, which grades are still the standard all over the world where Southern Yellow Pine is used. Mr. Elmer left association work to enter the lumber business for himself in New Orleans, and later came to the Pacific Coast, where for many years he had a desire to locate.
Mr. Elmer states that one of his first moves in becoming president of the Strable Hardwood Co. was to make arrangements to handle the account of the Finlay-Millar Timber Co. in Northern California. This company have large Philippine mahogany operations at Manila and are represented at Los Angeles by W. G. Scrim.
The Strable Hardwood Co. have operated in the East Bay District for twenty years, and under the leadership of George H. Brown, the retiring president, have made .re- markible growth. On January 8, 1927, this company has been in its present location for nineteen years, the first year they rvere in business they were located at Alameda. In lX)7, Mr. Brown, who had formerly been connected with the Strable Manufacturing Co. at Saginaw, Mich., organized the Brown-King Lumber Co. Later the company was taken over by Mr. Brown and operated under the name of the G. H. Brown Lumber Co., lvhich finally became a branch of the Strable Manufacturing Co. In 1916, Mr. Brown took over the business which was incorporated under its present name, and he continued-as president of this large organization until he sold outhis interests. As an appreciation of their esteem for Mr. Brown, his employees presented him with a beautiful gift when they first heard of his proposed retirement from business.
Mr. Brown states that he has formulated no definite plans for the future, other than that he will take a long vacation, and in the near future he hopes to be able to tell his many friends that he has worked his golf score into the 8O's.
Park Lumber Company Buys Yard
The Park Lumber Company, La Mesa, has bought the Lemon Grove Lumber Companv, Lemon Grove.
John Sigler, who has been connected with the Park Lumber Company for some time, will be manager of the Lemon Grove plant.
of San Francirco
Manufacturers of Quality Redwood
Hobbr-\[all & Compann of San Frrncirco, rnnouncc thc opcaing of a Lor Angclcr o6ccundcr thc dircction of Mr. A. W. Doaovan-et 234 Charnbcj' of Cornmcrcc Building. Tclcphonc \lfEetmorc 9ll9l.
Howard M. Gutm
112 Market St. - San Francirco
Telephonc Sutter 7l)99
Dougler Fir - Spruce - Redwood
Redwood and Cedar Shingler
Fir Piling - Cedar Portr
Split Rcdwood Productr
Agcnte: 4.. F. Cctr
This aduetisement appears in thc February isves of Litera.ry Digest, House E Qarden, House Beautiful, and Beaer Homes E Qardens.