1 minute read
Selling the strength and durability of Douglas Fir
LANS are being made now by home builders and soon the spring rush of lumber selling will be in full swing
Nearly twomillion readers of the above magazines will become better acquainted with the valuable properties of Douglas Fir for home building-liberal stocks can be furnished you quickly in all sizes, shapes and grades.
Everywhere, in all sections, the demand for Douglas Fir is increasing.
National advertising is bringing Douglas
Firinto prominence. Merit is winning markets which Douglas Fir will hold petmaneridy.
Investigate Douglas Fir, the durable wood ftorn the'West Coast. It is no longer just the "coming" wood, but is here today.
Our merchandising service is available to lumber dealers-we furnish, free, mats and stereos for your local newspapers, free envelope stuffers, free booklets for distribution. &ddress,'West Coast Lumber Bureau, 5560 Stuart Building, Seattle,'\UTashington.