1 minute read
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In a humorous vein he suggested that his informants on San Joaquin Valley etiquette had evidently had a joke at his expense, in telling him of their custom of following the lead of their present president in the wearing of spats at all meetings. He discovered to his consternation that his were the only feet in the room that were graced by these Fifth Avenue decorations.
In closing, Mr. Didesch told the meeting that the Institute would soon start an advertising campaign, state-wide, and that the slogan of the campaign would be "Architectural Woodwork." To secure the permission of the organ- ization to use this slogan, members must 'pass certain tests.
In his talk on credits, the speaker gave some interesting figures, taken from a recently issued report. The statistics show that the average length of an account, in building material houses, is 67 days. This is from a composite report, received from a great number of institutions.
Mr. L.A. Barton, Riverside Portland Cement Company, Los Angeles, responded to an introduction with a few r,vords of greeting from Southern California. Business Session
The afternoon meeting was called to order by the President.
He appointed a nominating coqrmittee consisting of A.
(Continued on Page 16)