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Tfu privotc wtue of Tlwlong.BellLumbq Compotty ftomKcnsas City n irc phnat otl-ongvicwrWn.r onil WeedrOalif.rhas now beenin operation clyeah Wlwt this ex:tro squice meons a ileal.qs is shooun b tlre following lcner ftom o Missorri ileoilar.
"\ilfe wish to take this oppornrnity to express our appreciation for the way you have recently been handling our oiders.
"On August 27th we gave you an order for a car of fir for shipment to our local yard which was wi'red to Longview,'\U7n., ove-r you,r direct private wire. This car was shipped on August 30th and delivered here September 1.5th. '\Ufe-alsoplaced- an order on October 13th for another car of fir. You *ired this order to longview over your direct private wire and the car was loaded and billed out October 1.9th.
"This is the kind of service we appreciate, especially at this time of year. \7e consider your direct private wire service of gleat a-dvqntage to your customers, especially when they are in need of rush service."
Malce, use of this sqctice!
(Continued from Page 14) told the meeting of the great importance of a large attendance at all meetings. He mentioned the need of securing the presence of more of the "old-timers" of the club, men rvho had been charter members, and others who rvere older in years than the majority of those present. He stated that the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club had been a great help to all retail lumber dealers in the r.alley and pointed with pride that their membership was practically 100 per cent, there being but four dealers in the territory who had not joined.
He appointed a Resolutions Committee composed of W. E. f,andram, R. O. Deacon and J. F. Wright, and instructed them to prepare proper resolutions of sympath;- to the families of Mr. C. M. Cross, Merced, and J. G. N[artin, Fresno.
W.F. Baird, Fresno, made a short report on Pine conditions in the state, and Mr. A. J. (Gus) Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Company, reported on Fir conditions.
J. Russell, chairman; W. R. Spaulding and G. C. Burnett. - The Secretary's report showed a gain in membership of four during the last twelve months.
Mr. PreJcott, in reporting for the By-Laws Committee, stated that more time would be needed for the compilation of their report. He stated that the new by-laws were being edited by fhe committee, as was the new roster of members.
The Nominating Committee then reported, naming the men whose names are given at the beginning of this report. The election was unanimous in all cases.
Mr. Spaulding proposed a vote of thanks to Retiring Presidenl King,-and iuggested that he be appointed the official delegate for the club to the Convention of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association at Tacoma on February 24 to 26. This was adopted.
Mr. Prescott thanked the club for the honor bestowed upon him, in making him President, and in his remarks