3 minute read
Distinguished For Fine Texture, nahrrally rmooth Eurface, vbriety and beauty of grain figures.
Light weight, soft, great nail-holding power and strenglilr per unit of weight.
Will not chech or sliver.
Specially high values in lower grades.
"Ptoducers of White Pine for Over Half a Century"
Saleemen Meet at San Francisco
The Redwood salesmen, together with the sales managers of the.San Francisco offices, assembled in the English Room of the Palace Hotel on Saturday, February 12.
Following the luncheon, there was a business session. A "Discussion of Conditions in the Redwood Industry" was led by J. M. Hotchkiss of Hobbs-Wall Co. and President of the Association which was followed by a field report by the Redwood salesmen. "Redwood Association Adverlising Methods and Objectives" was discussed by Dwight W. Jennings of the Lord, Thomas & Logan Advertising Agency.R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the Califotnia Redwood Association, spoke on "Merchandising Material Available to Dealers" and the "Special Eastern Merchandising Campaign" to be carried on by the Association. Max Cook, farm engineer in charge of the Association Agricultural Department, discussed the "Results and Opportunities of the Association Agricultural and Architectural Services." Fred Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co. spoke on "The Opportunities in Salesmanship."
Preceding the business meeting, the salesmen inspected the offices of the California Redwood Association to investigate the Association methods in handling the Association Advertising and Merchandising Campaigns.

L. J. Woodson, Northern California representative of the Wheeler-Osgood Co., .was a Northwest visitor during the lasttwo weeks in January. One week was spent at the company's plant at Tacoma, where he.conferred with company officials on business matters. Ife reports ihat the door market is active with prices firm. He returned to San Francisco around the firstof the month.
wice Cheir
Harry Kendall a San Francisco Visitor
Harry Kendall, General Sales Manager of the Central Coal & Coke Co., with headquarters at Kansas City was a recent San Francisco visitor where he called at the offices of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. to confer with A. J. Russell. The.Santa Fe Lumber Co. represent the Central Coal & Coke Co. in the California market. He was on his way east after spending several days at the company's mill operation at Vernonia, Oregon. He was accompanied by Mrs. Kendall.
(Continued from Page 16)
E. A. Cerlroq Santa Fe Lumber Company .San Francirco
F. W. Burgcrc, Union Lumbcr Company .....San Fnncirco
A. G. Bccli, Blaclctone Pl,ening Mill .. ;. ....Frcrno
M. D. Johnson, S. P. Lumbcr Corrrpeny ..,.. .Frcmo
Williefn Cravcnr, Chowchilla Lumbcr Company .Chorchille
W. F. Bahd, S. P. Lumbcr Compeny .Frceao
C. W. Btnghaq Bingham Planhg Mill .. ....Frcuo
J. S. Joint, Crcrccnt Lumbcr Company .....Frccno
Mrr. J. E. Frarcr, Cal. Retail Lumbcrmen's Assn...,.San Francirco
Frank Minar4 C. S. Picrce Lumbcr Company .....Frccno
A. J. Rusrclt Santa Fe Lumbcr Company San Francieco
F. Dcan Prescott, Vallcy Lumber Company .Frcrno
G. C. Burnett, Burnctt Lumber Company ..,..Tulare
W. R. Spaulding, W. R. Spaulding Lumbcr Corngany.......Vi8alia
C. L. Burnctt, Burnett Carr Lumbcr Compe.ny ......Ereter
A. J. Lucas, Charlce R. McCormick Lumbcr Company.......Frcgno
A. E. Johnson, Laton Lumbcr Company ......Laton
R. C. Turncrl Buchanan & Rurecll ..Oaktand
G. W. Fraecr, C & A Ry. ...San Francisco
Ray Clodclter, 'W. R. Spaulding Lumber Company ..Visdia
Burton Boylc, Croes Lumber Company .Coalinga
S. P. Ross, Ccntrd Lumber Company ; . . Hanfcd
Dan C. Desmond, Mt. Pinc Salce Company
O. H. Carter, Frcano Lumbcr Cornpany ..., ,. , ..Fresno
Fred W. Picrcc, Rivcrridc Portland Cement Company..Los Angelce
W. E. Lan&am... ....Mcrccd
L. A. Barton, Rivenidc Portland Ccmcnt Company....Loa Angcler
J. C. Fergcr, Swastika Lumbcr Company ....Frceno
L. A. Mclntyrc, The Timberman ..:..........: ...Portland
C. K. Cranc, Exetcr Lumber Company ......Exetcr
Phil B. Hart, "California tumbcr Merchant" ..Los Angclcr
Doubling the Market Forthe Creo-Dipt Dealer
Agairi in 1927, Cteo-Dipt advertiring in the Satur&y Evcning Poct and othcr lcading magazinec ic incrcaring sler for CreoDipt d,ealerr, cvcn if new building ir rlow. Why not male thir advertiring worL for you? lfdte today for our intererting dealer proporition.
Creo-Dipt.C,ompany, fnc., Oliver Strect, North Tonawan&, N, Y. In Southern C,alifornia: J. C. Slellie, Bldg. Material Erhibit, Metropolitan Bldg., Broadway at Fifth St., Los Angelee, Cal. fn Northern California: Alfred J. Hclf, Bldg. Material Erhibit, 77 O'Farrell St., San Francirco, C,al.