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Thevte 8tf"s uo- \ 1t ilo tt tl tF l-,I'
THEKING LUMBER CoMPANY or!.raai oraaoN .i. i lDrtt:,.t, t9eC lut. t. hba! co.. ge hEolloo, c.11i. lfmmtotr IR. A. J. FIESEIL
^t. ^*rrEa oa aur!Drra.^rrrra!.ir!!wori,a, Er.ruLD.C^@.
Kiln.Dried Fir wins thc good will of dealers' customers. There's "Satisfac. tion in every foot" of our Old Gror*'th Yellow Frr lumber because it is thoroughly kiln.dried and dressed after seasoning to Ameri, can Standard si:es. All degrades are taken out at the mill.
Ra!.Fttr6 to C.Dtt.:. Co.l t Cota C6pqr.
.!oot D.gto dyl.. thrt n @ loF tba ploricd.rllb th.l! r.Flo. d thc rtoor rbroEri-iiii-ot. ro.^"trn:oli"l'IirolHl'rt :3"i ld$i,l* 3LTiH{:pti!?I g!1.!Ir rtod.r.-he. rvcr la. riFJi-vcry ii:' il.:T3':8",Sf :li.1##n"il"-:,H *;'J.:I* r! t.rru?, r.t1 @?..trd d-M&i t-i.ii-io-ii- tlcd Flb. t -rtll hra u o!aL! b at, itrrt ,o! .@ o? ::il t}.;*:t 'd' D*b'brt to vq rurpi-i, it'iiid' l@. iary tAlr, lEl'Iy|'rylfn q- qer
1' "*-, *i'Fi#'ffJft ::":'!f :i#,*?H,'&'ll:1.