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Genetal Offices: Kansas (Oregon-American Lumber City, Missouri Co., Vernonia, Ore.)
Hobbs-Wall & Co. Open at Los Angeles
Hobbs-Wall & Company,'ivell and favorably known Redwood manufacturers, harr-e opened Los Angeles offices.
The new branch 'rvill serve all of Southern California, and will be under the direction of the popular A. W. (Andy) Donovan. Andy is known by everybody and -needsno iniroduction. He hal been in Redwood for a number of years and "knows his onions."
- l'heir Los Angeles address will be 234 Chamber of Commerce Building and the telephone WEstmore 9291.
Mr. G. M. Whiteside, one of the heads of the company, was in Los Angeles recently arranging the details of the new branch. The company maintains executive offices at San Francisco.
The Valley Lumber Co. have purchased the Fowler Lumber Co. at Fowler. The Valley Lumber Co. operates several yards in the San Joaquin Valley with headquartersat their Fresno office. Mr. F. Dean Precott is manager of the Valley Lumber Co.
With the transfer of R. H. (Dick) Garland to the Coast Counties territory, the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. announces the appointment of C. H. (Harry) Terrell as their representative in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys covering the territory between Modesto and Chico.
Harry Terrell is well known to the lumber trade of Northern California and formerly covered this territory for the C & O Lumber Co. IIe was connected rvith the C & O I-umber Co. for over five years, and prior to his coming to the Pacific Coast, was superintendent of rnanufacturing at their mill at Thornton. Arkansas. On his arrival on the Coast, he was manager of the C & O lumber yard at Oakland, and later represented this company in the valley territories. Harry takes an active partl in all lumber men affairs, is a member of Hoo Hoo, and an active member of the Oakland Hoo Hoo Club. In his new position, he rvill make his headquarters at Sacramento.
"Dick" Garland, who has covered the vallel- territory for thb company for the past several months, r,vill call on the trade in the coast counties territory with headquarters in the company's San Francisco office. This territory. \vas formerly covered by "Jimmie" Atkinson, rvho is norv in charge of the company's rail department.
Redwood Association To Issue New Plan Booklet
R. F. Hammatt, secretar;r-manager of the California Redwood Association, announces that a new booklet designated "Mountain Cabins and Week-End Cottages" rvill be on tne tlre press about February 2O. The booklet rvill carry netv dggigns of inexpensive Cabins varying in price from $450 to $1200 and Week-End Cottages ranging from 91500 to 93500. Complimentary copies will be mailed to the retail lumber clealers in the state while additional copies rvill be furnished at a normal cost.
COOPER and "l X L"
The Biggest Values In Hardwood Floorings
Timbers Carefully SelectedRough Lunber Air-Cured One YearThen Thoroughly Kiln Dri# Scientifi cally ManufacturedRigidly Inspect#
Expertly Graded
8"and 10"Drop Siding
Colonial and Bungalow Siding
That Does Not Cup. Free from Pitch and Resin. Paints easily and stays painted. Exceptionally resistant to decay. Economical in Price.
CAN BE SHIPPED IN MIXED CARS with Window and Door Frames
4 in. to l2in. Finish-Cornice Lumber-Ceiling LatticeMouldings-Pickets.
Colonial Coltrmns-Square Columns-Porch Posts Balusters and Porch Rail also
Wide Finish 14 in. to 30 in. All Clear and All Heart.