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"Redwood Prospects B*y"
Say Dealers Stocking fuduood
National advertisingis bringingto us the narnes ofprospective Redwood users at the rate of over 2000 a month.
In the first 3 O day s of t9z7 one hundred and rwenrysix dealers stocking Redwood wrote us that theie prospects, handled as explained below, were increasing their Redwood business.
The national campaign is running in Better Homes and Gardens, House Beautiful, House and Garden,thesmall Home , Pacific Coast Architect, Architectural Record, Pencil Points and in a dozen Farm Papers.
We have prepared for the consumer a series of Home Planq, Cottage and Cabin Plans, a comprehensive Farm Building series, and a wealth of material on Redwood and other commonly used woods.
To live prospects we send the material requested. \7e refer them to the nearesr fodutooddealer for furtherinformation or material. And we tell the dealer who in his neighborhood is interested in building. Lists are mailed regularly.
Dealers stocking Redwood are supplied with the material advertised, as well as many other helps such as letter insens, yard and job signs, technical information, etc.
llse tb9 coupon belout for securing your complimenrery copy of the Redwood Sales Manual. It contains valuable informationon all native woods including Redwood. You need it for referencer.