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C alifor nia Redwood ,-4ssociatiorLr
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Roy Morse Elected President of West Coast Lumberhten's Association
Roy F. Morse, manager of the Long-Bell Lumber Co., was elected president of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association at the annttal meeting held at Seattle, January 28. A. C. Dixon, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., and Frost Snyder, Clear Fir Lumber Co., were elected vice-presidents, and W. H. Peabody, manager Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Everett, \Mash., treasurer. Robert B. Allen was re-elected secretary-manager, and the following trustees lvere elected:
C. D. Johnson, Pacific Spruce Corporation; Charles S. Keith, Central Coal & Coke Co., Vernonia, Ore.; W. W. Emery, Emery & Nelson, Napavine, Wash.; Charles Lewis, Raymond Lumber Co., Raymond, Wash.; E. K. Bishop, E. K. Bishop Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Wash.; L C. Iverson, Wood & Iverson, Hobart, Wash.; H. A. LaPlant, Skagit Lumber Co., Lyman, Wash., and Charles Plant, Vancouver Lumber Co., Vancouver, B. C.
Robert B. Allen, secretary-manager, review'ed the work of the Association in the past year, showing where members had saved $1,50O,000 in the last year through the Association's work in winning a case against a proposed increase of freight rates in 17 states, and that reductions in freight rates to the Southrvest had resulted in bringing $5,000,000 rvorth of new business to members since the new rates went intoeffect. He announced that the new rule passed a year ago requiring members to manufacture lumber up to a certain standard of efficiency in grades had 'rvorked out well, member mills averaging 96 per cent efficient throughout the year.
Mr. Allen also reviewed briefly the work of the National I-umber Manufacturers' Association, to which they contril:ute 4O per cent of dues collected from members, and announced that a sales managers' conference was now being held once a month oroftener. This is a new association activity, and one of the first rules is must call each other by first name. that those taking'part Lumber Co.. acted as
C. H. Watzek. Crossett-Western chairman.
Kansas City, Mo., l.-eb. 3.-J. D. Tennant, vice-president in charge of the Long-Bell Lurnber Company's manufacturing operations; has been re-elected president of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau. Mr. Tennant went from Kansas City to Longview, Washington, four years ago when his company began building its Douglas Fir lumber mauufacturing ulants there.
The West Coast Lurnber Trade Jixtension Bureau was organized about a year ago by a large. group of manufactuiers of West Coast rvoods, of u,'hich Douglas Fir is the principal species. Its purpose is to better acquaint the publicwith the. properties and uses of these rvoods.
Another Long-Bell man has been elected president of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. He is Roy F. Morse' general manager of the Longview division of the company. Mr. Morse was. general manager of the Long-Bell plant at Quitman, Miss., before going to Longview three years ago. About six months ago he was appointed by Secretary Herbert Hoover to serve as a member of the National Committee on wood utilization.
Advertising Is Success
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 5.-The first year's advertising campaign and field work of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau, in the interests of West Coast mills, brought most satisfactory results, J. D. Tennant, president of the Bureau, reported to the stockholders.
"Where last year atthis time we had to borrow trade promotion displays from other industries to show millmen, today we have one of our own, representing the most aggressive and complete selling campaign this industry has ever undertaken."