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Rcd Strcak High.Speed Stcel Knivee will give you longer ccrvice without -rcgrinding or jointing. Th"y are made of chock-rcsistingetecl.
'Tu-ngeweld," the only Weldcd High Specd Steel Knifc. The curting edje of high "p."i steel is -Ja.j to a eoft atccl back. Outlact thick carbon eteel t "ir." three to five timca
AIR C(X)LED BURNERS STACKS AND OONVEYORS place, where they remain until dry, with no extra handlingof any kind'from the time the lumber is puiled florn thE sorting table until it is ready for dressing and shipment.
The rnanagement at Diamond Springs claim that this is the most eco"nomical method of handling lumber from the mill to the dry yards that ever was attempted' lfhe. lumber is piled for giade and size as it comes from the chains,.and the drying yards are arranged especially to handle these units just as they come.
The planing niitt is new and equipped with the most efficient machinery that modern ingenuity has devised, and has a big box factory iu connection. The planer and remanufacturing department oPerates strictly as a cooperative unit rvith the great sash and door plant the company maintains at Oakland, and the cutting and preparing of the lumber through the entire Diamond Springs institution is naturally arranged as a preliminary manufacturing unit for the Oakland factory, since a large majority of all the lum- state at Diamond Springs. It is 500 feet long, 95 feet wide, and 6O feet high, furnishing storage room for six million feet ofdry lumber.
A battery of 6 Moore Dry Kilns of most modern design takes care of all the stock they desire kiln dried, and does it in most satisfactory manner.
The Wesco Blower System is used in the plant to handle the shavings, and sawdust, and a wonderfully long span of blower pipe is shown in one of the illustrations.
In their big dry shed they operate and handle the lumber with a great Pawling & Harnischfeger Electric Crane, and out in their yard they use a Brown Hoist Crane.
About four hundred men are employed on the average by this company at Diamond Sprngs, including both mill and logging operations.
They own and operate their own railroad, called The Diamond & Caldor Railroad, of which W. Y. I(ellogg, is
Tlt,c innnense new dry storage shed. ber they manufacture goes to Oakland to be further used in their great millwork plant. Some millwork items are turned out of the planer at Diamond Springs in stock sizes ready for working at Oakland.
Besides the big planing mill proper they have a big fastfeed Woods planer installed on their shipping dock at f)iamond Springs to size stock for shipment that needs no other working.
The yhole plant is equipped with a modern sprinkler system for fire protection.
They have one of the finest dry lumber sheds in the
Part of the long sorting tablb. Thi.s ai,ew also shozus method, of stiching for dry pilcs d,irect froru table.
President. It is 33 miles in length and runs from Diamond Springs to Caldor.
The mill at Diamond Springs will probably be continuous in operation for all future time. At present they have fifty years timber ahead of their mill, and many years second growth already behind it. When they finish cutting their virgin timber they plan to have their land re-grown b;r nature's own reforestation, and ready for commercial cutting again. They figure that it takes about 40 years for commercial timber to grorv in their territory. They burn their slashings and clean them up after they have finished logging. Their timber is White and Sugar Pine.
The President, and Treasurer live in San Francisco, as previously stated. F. A. Merguire, Secretary ol the Company, lives there also. Sales offices are maintained at Diamond Springs, Oakland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
In Los Angeles a great wholesale warehouse of sash, doors, and millwork is maintained, serving Southern California trade, and under the very able direction of Arthur Farnsworth. There is also a millwork factory department in this branch.
The California Door Company name is one to conjure rvith wherever millwork, sash. and doors are known in the great Southwest. From the great milling plant at Diamond Springs, through every department of their business until the finished product reaches the ultimate consumer, their name means the best of service and the most dependable of quality. While the sash, door, and millwork end of their business is probably the major department, still it takes good raw material and good sawmilling, preparing, and drying, to furnish the foundation for their producl, and these things they possess in dependable condition at Diamond Springs.