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cTlt, e% Jdaanta{e inaffincnt&uving Jrrangernent tiitlt" WeyZrhaeuser
\fOU can seeWeyr erhaeuser quality. Itshowsuprtoo,in the better service each piece delivers. The high quality comes Irom paying strict attention to all deqils oI manufacnrre. Pre- soning; expert planing to smooth, satiny surfaces; careful handling and loading to insure delivery oI clean stock, lOO% saleable. You are not bothered with the cise sawing to square edges and.unilorm sizes; scientific sea-
"boneyard"evilwhen you become a WeyerhaeuserPermanent Customer.
TF YOU have never dealt with Weyerhaeuser, there is a new I sensation awaiting you in your first talk with a Weyerhaeuser Representative.
He has lumber to sell you, of course. That is his business. But he has also something to giue you-theadvantageof a permanent go-ahead prograyn lor the benefit oI the lumber dealer as well as Weyerhaeuser.
The way it benefits the lumber dealer is two-Iold:
Ist-In his buying and supply. In the qtnlity oI lumber he gets-grades always the same and dependable; seasoning complete; manulacturing and finish workmanlike, no need Ior apologies or evasions. And a complete range of woods lor a large part oI all your customers' requirements.
2nd-In his dealing with his customers. Weyerhaeuser really does understand the lumber user. Practically every step in the Weyerhaeuser PLUS program is intended to make the lumber better to xrse.
I. Concentrated buying and concentrated selling A call lrom a single'Weyerhaeuser Repreeentati.ue brilgs you all the difrerent kinds oI lumber you need to supply a large part oI your trade.
2. Filteen different speciee of lumber-including Douglas Fir. Western Red Cedar, Pacific Coast Ffemlock, Pondosa Pine, and genuine White Pine.
3. The output of 17 large mills-and three more building Shipping from 2O large stocks
{. Four huge Disnibuting Plants, with IOO,OOO,0OO Ieet oI lumber and 25,0Oo,00O feet oI timbers always on hand. Shipping in 24 hours if necessary. r:I:-- f The finest stands of timber in this country. Precise manulacturing. Scientific seasoning, giving the uber the maximum natural durabilitv oI the species.
'fhe moilern equibrnent ot Weyerhteuser mills rnohes !ossible a very high ttbe of seruica,
6. Careful handling and loading to insure delivery ol tOO/o saleable and usable stocks.
J. Sales making specialties that attract trade and repeot.
$. Quicker, cleaner turnover on a smaller investmenL Easy buying Regular supplies ol compact stock. Fewer loeses, and less lumber thrown into the "boneyard-" p. The W'eyerhaeuser Permanent Customer Plan, operated by W'eyerhaeuser Representatives who take care oI their customers in season and out of season. A most profitable arrangement for S.= thedealerwho makesuseof it
TheWeyerhaeuser Plus is a finething fu. toput to work in youryard.Itwill make b enn otwnt custorners f or you-and we hopewill make you a petmanent customerlorus.Callup - theWeyerhaeuser