1 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2o years-Some less He Thought He Belonged There
It was a long, long sermon. Likewise it was uninteresting and tiresome, as long sermons are almost certain to be.
At last it ended, however, and the preacher closed the Sunday morning address with the regular church announcements, the last one of which was:
"And there will be a meeting of the Board in the Pastor's Study right after the close of this service."
So, when the congregation had finally drifted away, and the members of the Board of Directors of the Church gathered in the'Pastor's Study, it was found that there u/as a straqger in their midst, and they looked at him with some embarrassment, wondering how he came to be there. The Pastor sized up the situation at once, and approaching the gentleman, he asked: "Aren't you a stranger in our city?"
"I am," replied the other. "Just dropped in for the morning service."
"Well," said the preacher smilingly, "you evidently remained here under some mistake or misapprehension. This is strictly a meeting of the Board of this church."
"I understood that," replied the stranger, .,and that's why I stayed, for God knows there was no one in the congregation more thoroughly BORED than I was."